loud squeal under hood | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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loud squeal under hood


Elite Explorer
March 20, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Ashland Va
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Xlt 4x4
Moms 04-4.0 cracked lower thermostat housing and lost all coolant. (3miles home didn't overheat) Also replaced water pump JUST NOW thinking it was the squeal...(bearings were gone and had a leak) Ran great for a min or so then squeal again.
No codes can't seem to trace to save my life... Maybe passenger side but can't tell...
Could it be antifreeze on the belt making the noise?


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Take the belt off and run the engine to see if it still makes the noise. IF the noise goes away then you kow it is something with the belt drive system or one of the components that the belt drives.

it ran great with the belt off so umm I'll let her drive it

Could be just the antifreeze on the belt. You could soak the belt in HOT water for a bit to clean it off. also try rinsing down the front of the engine and pullys. being careful by the alt to get any antifreeze residue off.
