Low RPM's when idling issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Low RPM's when idling issue


New Member
December 19, 2012
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer
Hey guys just a quick question if anyone can help me at all. My cars been acting very strange lately. When starting up my car the RPM's will rise to 1kish for a few seconds then dip to around 4-500 and the cab will start shaking. It will do that for a couple seconds then RPM's will rise to 1-2k again then dip back to 4-500 again. After searching this forum for an answer to work off of, I've had no luck. I took of the IAC and cleaned it with carb cleaner a little bit and put it back on and started it and no luck. Can anyone help at all?

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Does it happen with your AC on and off?

Do you have a lit check engine light?

Does it do it after it's warmed up?

You cleaned the IAC valve. Did you check the voltage readings with a digital volt meter? Get yourself a manual with the voltage specs, and go from there. Will tell you if the ECU is telling the IAC to change idle speeds, or you may have a faulty IAC valve. BASIC things first.

Does it happen with your AC on and off?

Do you have a lit check engine light?

Yes it happens either with ac on or off, and recently a check engine light came on after the issue.

What code caused the check engine that? That will probably tell us what the problem is.

Please if could fill in your vehicle specs in your profile , or at least which engine you have. But to me it sounds like a hose breach of some type.
