LOWER/ RAISE SUSPENTION 2002 SPORT 4X2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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August 7, 2003
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City, State
St. Louis area, Missouri USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Sport
I have a 2002 sport 4x2 I hate that the rear end is lower than the front end. I wish my truck would be even when sitting on a flat pavement. Any sugestions how to achieve that? thanks.:rolleyes:

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I would say whichever does not affect the trucks' stability, but I would say the rear higher, since I tow once in a while I would like to have the rear end lifter to match the front end. thanks

You can use Warrior Shackles. But they raise the rear like 1.5-2"s so you could lower the front very easily, and free as well. I would just need an alignment after. But the dealership should do that for free. As long as you don't tell them we messed with it. Also lowering the front will help make it more stable. Plus it would not affect towing at all.

Hey Matt, are you suggesting that the alignment can be done under warranty after the TT granted you don't tell them its been altered?

You should be able to get that out of the dealer granted you don't tell ane low miles. And they have good customer service. Just tell them it doesn't feel right and you want a computerized allingment.

No not for that little of an adjustment. Maybe but that would be on the dealer to make it right.

mig25, what dealership did you buy it from?

Bought it from Maroone Ford- Margate FL.
But I live across from a Ford Dealer in O'fallon MO.
I really want to raise up the rear of this truck. Also need to find a set of blue or super white fog and head lights. thansk folks

I can just picture the Ford technician.......

Picks up the brim of his baseball cap, curls face all up while scratching his head and says, "she's lookin a little low in the front end" :D

Well like I said you can use Warror Shackles. If you think that the 1.5-2"s is kosier. Then go for it.

Do you have anyother plans for the truck?

I want to add some xenon bulbs, I might sale it, I am not sure, it has 23.000 miles, 4x2 class III towing package. I still do not know what the hec is warrior shacles

You better hope that the dealership doesn't mess the the torsion bolts. That's usually the first thing they do before an alignment.

Originally posted by Hartman
You better hope that the dealership doesn't mess the the torsion bolts. That's usually the first thing they do before an alignment.

Yep, local shops included. I have a first hand experience on this.

Why would they mess with the bolts?

Also, An Add A Leaf(AAL) might be a better option verses the shackles.
