Lowest Opening '96 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lowest Opening '96 XLT


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May 7, 2007
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Burke, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Explorer XLT
I've planned to go off-roading with a few friends this weekend, and I want to find out where the lowest opening is on a stock 1996 Explorer XLT. In other words, how deep is too deep when it comes to water and mud? THANKS!

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I have had mine buried up just past the fog lights with minor problems, belt started slipping caused my alt light to come on, fixed itself within a few minutes. I have also plowed through water up to the headlights and she kept on going. but each vehicle is a little different especially when it comes to how they run mechanically.

thats about the same as mine^^^^^

^^^ bout the same, ive taken it to the headlights but had to go slow

Seen some hit a puddle and die, so be careful.

The vent tube for the front diff is right at the frame rail on the drivers side- but I had mine in water last weekend, got water in both diffs- what a pain. Any water is too deep for me from now on. Now, mud, thats different IMO.

alright sounds good. does anyone know what opening is the problem so that i could make a little snorkel for this weekend?

oh ok, the diffs...is that something i can tube up to a higher level, or does it need to be in that position to get its air?

You can tube them all the way up, they dont need to breath a lot, so just match the tube size and dont pinch it and leave room for axle travel and you will be fine, but still water gets into hubs and other places, I really dislike water, mud is better unless it is soupy.


I found that the Gator back belts really help with the belt slipping when wet. I'm in Florida and my stock belt would slip just driving down the road during a heavy rain.
