Meanest Vehicles of 2006 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Meanest Vehicles of 2006

Stang Girl

Explorer Addict
July 11, 2005
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Bastrop, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 Cobra R Clone
Mean and Thirsty

by the Editors of MSN Autos

The vehicles earning the lowest Green Scores from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.

High-performance sports cars, ultra-luxury sedans and powerful trucks all rely on high-powered engines to deliver performance and towing capacity—but that performance comes at a price—landing these vehicles at the bottom of the list in the annual Green Book from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
Each year, ACEEE rates vehicles on their overall impact on the environment, with vehicles earning the best scores dubbed the "Greenest," and those with the worst scores labeled the "Meanest."

At the top of the "Meanest" list for 2006 is the Dodge Ram SRT10, powered by the same 500-horsepower 8.3-liter V10 engine used in the Dodge Viper SRT10 sports car. The Ram SRT10 received a Green Score of 12, compared to the top score of 57 earned by the gasoline-electric hybrid


The Hummer H2 is one of several full-size SUVs to make the ACEEE's list of the "Meanest" vehicles in America.


The flagship Lamborghini Murcielago earned the dubious honor of being one of the "Meanest" vehicles, based on its ACEEE Green Score.


The Green Score is a numeric value of a vehicle's environmental friendliness assigned by ACEEE. Not based solely on fuel economy, the Green Score also takes into account tailpipe emissions and emissions of gases that cause global warming. The higher the Green Score, the more environmentally friendly the vehicle is overall, based on the ACCEEE evaluation.

The Ram SRT10's position at the top of the list made us wonder if the ability to create large volumes of tire smoke contributed to the low score received by the performance pickup. While the SRT10 may not haul much cargo, it is as fun to drive as any exotic sports car, and just might be worth the disdainful stares from the hybrid-driving members of your neighborhood block watch.

A true exotic sports car, the Lamborghini Murcielago is second on the list, powered by a 580-horsepower 6.2-liter V12 engine that is rated at 13 mpg on the highway. It received a green score of 16.

Two ultra-luxury sedans, the Bentley Arnage and the Maybach 57S are next on the list with green scores of 17, the same score earned by the Dodge Durango and the Dodge Ram 1500 when equipped with the 4.7-liter V8 engine and 4-wheel drive.

The Hummer H2 and the GMC Yukon XL 2500 4WD both earned green scores of 18, an improvement over last year's scores of 13 and 14, respectively, while the Chevrolet Suburban 2500 4WD improved to 19 from last year's score of 14.

The new 620-horsepower Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano, the replacement for the Ferrari 575M Maranello and the most powerful V12-powered Ferrari ever offered, also received a green score of 18, along with the Ford F-250 Super Duty and the Volkswagen Touareg V8.

Meanest Vehicles of 2006 with Green Score

Dodge Ram SRT-10

Lamborghini Murcielago

Bentley Arnage

Dodge Durango 4.7 V8 4WD

Dodge Ram 1500 4.7 V8 4WD

Maybach 57S

Hummer H2

Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano

Ford F-250 Super Duty 5.4 V8 4WD

GMC Yukon XL 2500 4WD

Volkswagen Touareg V8

Chevrolet Suburban 2500 4WD

Source: ACEEE's Green Book Online

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I figured Dodge would be all over that list. :p I think they have that cylinder disconnect thingy on all the hemi trucks now... everyone i know that has a hemi truck is fairly sick of the fuel mileage. I know, 350hp in a truck isnt going to get great economy, but man those things are ridiculous guzzlers around town.

Green ain't no fun. Give me mean any day of the week. :)

james t said:
I figured Dodge would be all over that list. :p I think they have that cylinder disconnect thingy on all the hemi trucks now... everyone i know that has a hemi truck is fairly sick of the fuel mileage. I know, 350hp in a truck isnt going to get great economy, but man those things are ridiculous guzzlers around town.

A good friend of ours traded in his '04 Mustang GT for a Hemi Jeep. :eek: Yeah, Jeep :confused: . Anyway, it has the cylinder disconnect thingy which shuts off half the motor when you are at cruising speeds for a length of time. He was telling me he got 32 mpg coming from Kerrville to Austin. He does say it sucks in town, but dang, on the highway... :p

He is wanting to race my Stang right now...hmmmm. At least I am trying to get him to put a lift on it and some 35's. :D



Stang Girl said:
A good friend of ours traded in his '04 Mustang GT for a Hemi Jeep. :eek: Yeah, Jeep :confused: . Anyway, it has the cylinder disconnect thingy which shuts off half the motor when you are at cruising speeds for a length of time. He was telling me he got 32 mpg coming from Kerrville to Austin. He does say it sucks in town, but dang, on the highway... :p

He is wanting to race my Stang right now...hmmmm. At least I am trying to get him to put a lift on it and some 35's. :D

I am driving a Hemi Grand Cherokee right now. It is pretty powerful but not the fastest thing out there. I call bullshit on your friend's fuel economy numbers though. They are no where near that good. The best I have been able to get (and I drive mostly highway) is 19.5 mpg.
