Measurement of rear parking sensors? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Measurement of rear parking sensors?


New Member
July 5, 2007
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I have a read a few posts on this forum about troubleshooting the problems with the rear parking alert system. There was mention about measuring each sensor to see if they are bad. A couple questions,

How many sensors exist in the bumper for this system?
Does anyone know what the measurement should be to know if they are good or not or is this a simple ohm check with a meter?

I have the same scenario others have posted about in the past. The light says off on the dash and I get no audible warinings like I used to. I figured I would start with testing the sensors then if they are ok, it looks like the parking assist module is bad.

Thanks in advance,

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I just remember reading a TSB about problems and diagnosis on the parking alert system, but since mine is working fine, it wasn't pertinent to me, and I never bothered to jot down the TSB number.

Next time I get over to my buddy's shop that has Mitchell OnDemand, I'll email that TSB to myself and post it.

Looking at the back of mine, I count 4 sensors in that little strip in the rear bumper cover. How they work is a total mystery to me though. We'll probaly both learn something once I get that TSB.

Might be a few days...Hang tight. Unless someone else with access to TSBs posts it first.

They're available to anyone who subscribes to a service such as I mentioned. Many times though, the dealership is the only one capable of performing the repairs because of special tools, diagnostic equipment, or procedures involved.

You can buy a subscription at

Does the parking sensor system throw OBD codes? My dads 02 has the same problem. As soon as you put the vehicle in reverse, the off light comes on and the system doesnt work. When go back into Drive, the off light stays lit. You can turn it back on, but going back to reverse turns if off again.

Does the parking sensor system throw OBD codes? My dads 02 has the same problem. As soon as you put the vehicle in reverse, the off light comes on and the system doesnt work. When go back into Drive, the off light stays lit. You can turn it back on, but going back to reverse turns if off again.

The only things that cause the OBD to throw codes are anything that can affect the emissions. I don't believe the parking sensor falls under that category.

It may illuminate the wrench light, but not the CEL.

reverse sensor

Curtis I have a 2002 Mountaineer with reverse sensors doing same as your Dads When put in reverse turns sensor off on, No alarm can turn off dash light but comes back on when put in reverse. Did your Dad ever fix his?

Curtis I have a 2002 Mountaineer with reverse sensors doing same as your Dads When put in reverse turns sensor off on, No alarm can turn off dash light but comes back on when put in reverse. Did your Dad ever fix his?

Its become intermittent for my dad. sometimes it will surprise you and work
Last time I was home, it seemed to me that it worked on dry days, and didnt work on wet days but my dad thinks differently as it has worked on wet days for him and not worked on dry days for him. strange.

Its one of those options that bugs you so much when it doesn't work, but you're not going to pay the dealership to fix it.

reverse sensor

Your right about not wanting to take to dealer. We just had the rear bumper replaced and the repair shop says they check it when they finished the job. Unfortunately I didn't check it befor paying them. These sensors can't be checked without taking off whole bumoer. I Looked under the bumper and the main connector seems to be connected but they were just hanging exposing them to water when it rains. Taking car back to repair shop this afternoon ,but don't have much hope in getting fixed.
