modifying fender flares to fit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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modifying fender flares to fit?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
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Wittenberg University
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Sport Trac XLT 4x4
Let's be honest, unless we go the Pacer roll-up fender flare route its very very very hard to find fender flares. Is it possible to modify ranger or explorer fender flares to fit our sport trac?

Thoughts? Just curious

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Would be nice to know any pics of the ones you posted I want some but not those rubber looking ones.

Not hard to find, but not cheap... Bushwhacker makes them for the trac, but they will run you close to $650 for all of them... Even o'riellys carries them, your trac year part number from oriellys for them is Part # 21913-02..


and yes you can mod any of them to fit, a buddy of mine has a ranger on
and he runs a moddified set of Ford superduty Bushwhacker Cut-out flares on it.

$650, for that kinda money I'll buy a set of Hanneman 4" or 6" wide fiberglass fenders and bedsides. Just my opinion. It'd be alittle more then $650 but for what you get it's worth it, especially not making your Trac look anymore like a Nissan Frontier then it already does.

i agree with midnightrebel.. after looking over that pic i found, it does look pretty similar to the frontier... And like he said, for the price of them, just get new wide fenders..

I plan to just have my fab shop and body shop work together on fabbing larger fenders when I have it in for the SAS (if that ever happens:rolleyes:). A good shop should be able to handle that. The more planning I do, the more obvious it is I won't be doing anything resembling a budget build but I don't think that would add a whole lot to the final build in the grand scheme of things.

It may be worth talking to a shop to see if that is something they could do.

I haven't seen any evidence that the Bushwacker flares are that easily obtainable. If anyone can find a source, you'd do well to buy the entire stock and sell them at a premium. ;) Not my style but lots of folks have spent a lot of time tracking them down. There's multiple threads documenting this difficulty.

The Pacer flares...well, not for me either.

Many of the online catalogs show the Bushwacker flares as "call for availability." I believe that Bushwacker has stopped producing these, so they are likely not available. You can always call/email the vendor to confirm it they can get it.

We are now 8 years out of production for the Gen 1 ST. Most vendors aren't going to support tooling for parts on limited production/demand applications. While this site is dedicated to those of us who modify our vehicles, the vast majority of STs are stock and will be that way throughout their useful lives.
