more help needed b2 compter? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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more help needed b2 compter?


New Member
August 9, 2011
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1989 broncoll
ok guys found out my computer is bad and just to let u know i`am ordering a new one monday....but my question is...does anybody have or know where i can get a diagram for the old computer board?reason is my is definately burnt but i`d like to know what part it was that burnt and if it was old age or something cause it? its a 1989 broncoll 2.9 motor,auto,2wd and i was just hoping that i can find out the part thats burnt to see if i can prevent it from happening again anytime soon so if u have or know of a diagram that shows the board and what each little diode and such is that would be great appreciate any and all help. thnx bb
