mounting pa speaker without drilling? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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mounting pa speaker without drilling?

hey guys i have a pa speaker question. how did you mount you speaker on the roof? i dont wnat to drill or ruin the paint at all so i was wondering what other alternatives are there? thanks

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UMM are you a fire fighter or police officer? if not you def dont want to mount it on the roof seeing as how thats not exactly legal anywhere. however right behind the grill is really easy to do.

haha really, i honestly did not know that. well that makes things easier, do you have any pics?

Ill try to take some pics for ya tomorrow on my lunch break. its really not hard to do. and dont go around being a jerk talking over the pa all the time it is in fact illegal and you can get busted for impersonating an officer. or they can simply take your whole cb because its an fcc law. Ill get them up tomorrow man just leave me an email address to send them to.

haha awesome thanks alot i really appreciate it. na i wont go around talking crazy, just a little fun. thanks again heres my email

they are only illegal to use while moving, now, if you are stopped, they are legal to use. I have a PA mounted in my engine compartment, and I checked the laws b4 buying mine.
