Moving back rear seat? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moving back rear seat?


Elite Explorer<br><img src="/forums/images/star2.g
March 5, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Florence, South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 V8 2WD XLT
Have any of you tryed making a new bracket to move the back seats back a couple inches. the leg room back there is terrible and when i have people in the back i have to move the seat up. normally i drive with the driver seat all the way back just to get comfortable. So with it like that i cant even fold the back seat down without moving up. so has anyone else thought about this. or know a good bit about metal to know what would be good to use to make a bracket. Major

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I don't know how you'd move the back seat back with the fold down mechanism. And as you move the seats back they move up which poses a whole other problem. This is for a four door. I'm not sure if it's the same for two doors.

Being raised a little wouldnt bother me its the seatbelt that has me thinking it may not work. i'd feel pretty bad if i got in a wreck and the seatbelt didnt work right and i got a friend hurt for a simple matter of leg room. Major

i just wanted to bump this back up to see if anyone has any new ideas.

seriously it wouldn't be hard to do put the seats would have to be lifted about 5-7'' to get over that rear hump

if you passengers really need that kind of leg room they are gonna be even less comfortable once you jam their heads into the headliner. Don't know how tall you are but ya ever hit you head on the rear glass in the backseat of a 2 door cavalier (or something similar to that) just driving down the street? Son of a.... well been there and done that. Its just not that fun and your neck starts to hurt after awhile from sitting with your head tilted

As mentioned, logistically it isn't possible. The rear hump stops you from moving the seat back any farther without raising it up a ton. If you want more legroom, consider a full size.
