In regards to the VSS signal, I calculated 255 70 16 = 690 revs per mile X 108 tooth tone ring = 74,520 pulses off the Diff speed ac sensor. That's my input to the Dakota SGI-5. Going from 4.10 to 4.88 spins the drive shaft faster so I wanted to make the vss faster. 4.88/4.10 = aprox 1.19 faster (88,678 pulses per minute) There was a chart for Coarse adjust/fine adjust. You set the SGI up by pressing and holding the up or down dip switch while turning the key on(powering SGI on while holding button) There are little leds to tell you whats happening. I chose Coarse adjust number 3 which is a 1.191 up change and then fine tuned it on the road test.
There are little dip switches numbered 1-4. Number 1 is for input type (AC or Square wave). 2 is for sensitivity (high or Low). 4 is for the type of output change (faster than input or slower than input).
3 is for output type and frequency range.
On position (signal in 64,000 - 256,000)
Output 1(AC / 128,000), Output 2(square wave 128,000) Output 3(AC / 8000) Output 4(square wave 4000) Output 5(square wave 2000)
Off position (signal in 4,000 - 16,000)
Output 1(AC / 8,000), Output 2(square wave 8,000) Output 3(AC / 4000) Output 4(square wave 4000) Output 5(square wave 2000)
So if you wanted a 8,000 square wave output for your electric power steering project then
Number 3 dip switch on for 64k-256k input off the diff speed sensor(AC) or ABS module(DC) and
Output number 3 would be 8000 AC
There is no DC 8000 signal with a 64k-256k input
I am sure you could hook 2 to together or come up with a ac to dc changer or just use another brand than this one that might work. Or maybe the electric power steering module will be able to accept AC as an input.
Now I wanted to use the square wave output 2 (Sqwave 128 range since my signal was going to be 88,678) but that was the only one I could not get the signal off of. Go figure. I ended up using Output 1 which was an AC signal and it worked. I emailed the seller and got a response back that didn't make much sense so I am awaiting another reply from them. I think what they are saying is that Output 2 is a pulsing ground output so you have to supply voltage through a 10,000 ohm resister to the circuit so it would show a high and low voltage. I guess that allow the user to select his own voltage to have 12 or 5 volt square wave etc. Maybe changing the resister spec too if needed. I should hear back from them after the weekend they say.