My Baby is GONE ! :( | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Baby is GONE ! :(


Active Member
July 3, 2001
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barcelona, spain
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Sometimes, in life you have to make tough decisions....

I spent 2 years driving my Ford Explorer. I absolutely loved my car, but the Ford delear´s costs were getting just too expensive.....It was hard keeping those costs down because just about everything had to be imported from the US.

I bought the car for 9500 Euro and sold it for 9000 Euro. I spent around 5000 in repairs... it wasn´t a bad deal though. 2250 a year is OK for such a cool SUV. I just hope that the new owner treats the car as well as I did ;)

I just wanted to thank all of you guys who helped me out with your advice this past couple of years.


Ford Explorer R.I.P 2001 - 2003

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I feel your pain, I had a Mazda RX-7 once, and the dealer had to order parts from Japan, although very few times. My RX-7 was pretty reliable, but still the parts were VERY expensive.

we have the same problems with parts over US$180 for one of those OE driving lights but its the same whether we gets parts imported from the usa japan europe
at least you enjoyd your x while you had it hope you enjoy the new car

and yes this board certianly does come in handy

Sorry to hear about your explorer.... I would sell mine, but know one would buy ot.... So, I decided it is cheaper for me in the long run to keep it, and turn it into a trail vehicle with a full cage and as minimal body as possible.....

Too bad...

Too bad you couldn't befriend one of the U.S. servicemen nearby to order you parts and have them shipped to them instead. I know too well how it is being overseas with an american vehicle.
