my dad's in the emergency room | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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my dad's in the emergency room

Ak LTD Xplorer

Explorer Addict
December 17, 2003
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Anchorage Alaska
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today i was awoke by my dad(blue_97_V8) at 7am he said he sliped out on the step's and broke his ankle when he let the dog out..i kinda freaked(he's been on disability for 10 year's now cause of a knee and back injury) so i tell him to sit down i get him a glass of ice water,advil then i get ice for his's swelled like a we call my grandma and she comes down to our house and takes him to the grandpa's gonna come get me and we are goign to go check on him cause it's been awhile..i just wanted to share..his biggest worry? wether he would make it home in time to watch i told him i would tape it if he misses any..

sorry im just kinda freaked right now

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Tell him we all hope he gets better soon.

Broken ankles are no fun and take awhile to heal fully, when I broke mine my foot turned purple and swelled up so big there was no chance to think about putting any kind of shoe on it.

Put some Baja rubber on the bottom of his crutches :D

Wow, doesn't look like you got much sleep and then to awake to that. Man that was the perfect chance to say Dad let get you to a hospital and drive like a mad man. :)

yeah..i had only got to sleep at but i just talked to him and they are on there way's broke..but he doesent care right now..he's got pain killer's..they put a splint on it for now then mon or tue he has to go see a orthapedic(?) doctor and get a cast..but atleast it's his left foot and not his's still safer for me to drive

Glad to hear he's coming home. Its no good to hear about anyone being in the hospital. Tell him we all said get well soon! :)

thank's for the support guy' home and feeling good on pain killer' i geuss i broke a smaller bone.they say as soon as i get my walkin cast(3-5 day's) i should be able to walk without cruches as i am now.but it will take 4 week's to compleatly heal.

4 weeks to completely heal? thats fast...... good thing you are ok though....... falls on steps can be much worse......

4 week's seemed fast to me also but the doctor said that's the way it goes i said ok. i was thinkin more like 6-8 week's myself

yeah it could have been much worse..i could have hit my head or a million different thing's....i have to thank my son publicly tho...he's being the greatest son anyone could ever ask for right now(he allway's is tho)..he's doin the dishes,laundrey..ect and getting me anything/everything i need....thank's russ

Good to hear it wasnt worse....

With him helping you so much, it makes you forget the pole incident huh? ;)

yeah yeah..bring that up..i payed for and washed his truck the pole thing's done you check the pole post he put up some pic's of his "Run in" with the garage wall this summer..and don't forget he planted his EX in the back of a subi not all that long

im glad he made it out as good as he did..and im tryin to help him out as much as i can!
