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Need a favor please



Can someone with a stock height and stock size tires measure the height of there X. (location really doensn't matter im just trying to get a ball park figure) Preferably someone with a 4 door 2nd gen. I did 31" tires aal shackles and tt and my x doesn't look that much higher than stock. Just curious to how much lift I did get with these things done.

Thanks a million

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Hehe...I have a first gen, so I can't help you, but I want to thank you for reminding me to measure the height of mine, so when I put on my 31's tomorrow I see how much I gain.

So thanks!!


Next week I'll have measurements for before and after...


AAL + Warrior

3" BL


Stock tire is 28.9 (smaller) Don't know what the stock oversize is.

Its going to vary honestly, someone might measure and give you one number, and someone else another... There are a lot of factors at play here... Shocks new/old, springs new/old, tires new/old/pressure... Lots of factors...

Originally posted by Heath
Its going to vary honestly, someone might measure and give you one number, and someone else another... There are a lot of factors at play here... Shocks new/old, springs new/old, tires new/old/pressure... Lots of factors...

I am just looking for a general idea, im sure that it cant vary that much.
