Need a Wiring Diagram FAST!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need a Wiring Diagram FAST!!!


New Member
July 2, 2006
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City, State
Voorhees, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
I have an early model 2002 Explorer XLT and I need a wiring diagram that shows how the horns are wired. My horn hasn't worked for a while and i need to take the truck in for inspeciton. When i try to replace the fuses in the interior fuse box they blow as soon as they make contact. There is a short somewhere in the system and i need a good wiring diagram to find the source. If anyone has one available please PM me. Thanks for the help!

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I will see if I have the diagrams. Your problem is most likely the clockspring in the steering wheel.


I will see if I have the diagrams. Your problem is most likely the clockspring in the steering wheel.

Is there any way to check if the problem is the clockspring? I have basic electronics tools like a multimeter and circuit checker and i already have the airbag out of the steering wheel.

If your horn honks with your key fob it is not your clock spring. Also clock spring problems will often also cause your cruise not to work (if you have steering wheel cruise controls) or the air bag light to come on.

If your horn honks with your key fob it is not your clock spring. Also clock spring problems will often also cause your cruise not to work (if you have steering wheel cruise controls) or the air bag light to come on.

No problems with cruise control and no airbag light. If there are any other common issues i can fix myself please let me know. I would rather not have to bring the truck in to the dearlship. Thanks

What is the build date? It can be located on the driver side door frame. Early and late production have diffrent diagrams.

Hope this helps cause it was a ***** to post.

Hope this helps cause it was a ***** to post.

definitely helps. Would the problem be caused by the central security module? Ive been looking around and there doesn't seem to be any worn wires or contacts anywhere. Both fuses are blowing so the short has to be somewhere behind the central junction box.

Use your meter to check connection 6 on the security module.

Use your meter to check connection 6 on the security module.

it just started pouring rain and i dont have a garage. it will have to wait till tomorrow. but what should i be looking for?

Looking for instructions on how to connect up an air horn to my ranger ~ Can anyone help?
