New Exhaust... finally!!! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Exhaust... finally!!!

if u bite the bullet.. its a possibility.. gears were a huge factor in my mpg.. but befor them i did a fuel filter, "cold" air intake with cone filter, TB spacer and a flowmaster 40 series.. its def! ran a lot better and smoother. and i would say i noticed not only accel. but some mpg increase. at the least tho you will get a smoother runnin truck that has less stress on it so your gunna get mor elasticity out of it and reliability

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well said. did the throttle body spacer do anything? i've heard mix reviews on it...

i wouldnt say i could pinpoint anything. since i did it all as kind of a package. but it was relatively cheap and its just one of those things thats so slight you wouldnt notice it shuld really b added in conjunciton with some other related mods. also i did plugs and 80mm wires i forgot to add that.

i wouldnt say i could pinpoint anything. since i did it all as kind of a package. but it was relatively cheap and its just one of those things thats so slight you wouldnt notice it shuld really b added in conjunciton with some other related mods. also i did plugs and 80mm wires i forgot to add that.

makes sense. i'm wanting to get the screamin demon coilpack when i have the cash to, i heard if you get it with stronger wires, and space the plugs a little more, you can get a little more power, and a little bit better mileage...

but as i'm parking the explorer in august (getting a truck), i'm considering redoing it completely. im' researching how hard it would be to swap in a diesel engine, and go biodiesel from my garage... just to say i did it.

josh did u get clips of ur flowmaster yet

i got my buddy to take a video clip, but i don't know what the hold up is. i'm going to see him tomorrow at school, so hopefully he'll have it finished.

the sound has changed a LOT since it was first put on, i can hear it all the time now... not like it's extemely loud, but a pretty awesome growl now. exactly waht i wanted. hopefully i'll have an update tomorrow.

yeah mine sounds different too

theres a lotta stuff ther for a diesel swap..pretty cool

thanks Dora, that's actually the thread that planted the idea. i'm thinking about it really, maybe not in the next years, but a few down the road? I figure by that point gasoline prices will be through the roof, and a diesel engine using biodiesel would save a bunch of money. plus it'd be cool "where do you fill up?", i could reply with "my house of course!". the videos of the broncoII doing the burnouts is crazy though!

my main goal is to make my explorer what i always wanted it to be... preferably a rock crawling S.O.B. with the balls to prove it. granted the diesel swap is gonna be hefty, but even more of a problem, is that fact that i only have a 2 wheel drive, and i am NOT willing to get rid of it... to many memories.

and back to the thread.

video clip coming thursday, my friend went out of town this weekend to Savannah, so he thinks he filmed over it, but i'm gonan shoot it thursday, and have him upload it to youtube RIGHT THEN. lol. i'm tired of waiting for this, as i'm sure y'all are to. i'll start a new thread though that day, and try and get to see if a mod can stick it for us.

The old blomaster finally gave out and installed this, cost about 200$, recommend buying a new gasket and hardware/bolt kit since the old ones are probably rotted. Took about 45min


exhaust made no difference maybe slightly faster 0-60 (G-tech meter) compared to the flowmaster with stock resonator and stock piping. It now has the complete kit as shown in the picture(but a larger muffler this time).

is that the force II catback system? i was going to get that, but money restrictions...

Just a few days ago I installed a 40 series on my xploder and im quite disappointed. Its really quiet and i can barely hear it inside and outside it sounds alright. I was wondering if it gets louder the more it "breaks in"?

Just a few days ago I installed a 40 series on my xploder and im quite disappointed. Its really quiet and i can barely hear it inside and outside it sounds alright. I was wondering if it gets louder the more it "breaks in"?

hate to say it, but if you read the whole thread, i've mentioned it all ready. mine sound has changed a lot, a lot more noticeable in the 1500-2500 or so range, above that it quiets down, which is exactly what i want. give it time, worst case scenario, you sell it as a used muffler and go with something else.
