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New Exhaust????


Well-Known Member
December 19, 2001
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Birmingham, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Eddie Bauer
I'm wanting to replace the factory muffler. I want more power but not alot of excess noise. What should I do? I"m thinking about a force II flowmaster from Summit Racing but I don't know. What do yall think?

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I'm thinking about getting a Gibson setup

Originally posted by dec322
I'm wanting to replace the factory muffler. I want more power but not alot of excess noise. What should I do? I"m thinking about a force II flowmaster from Summit Racing but I don't know. What do yall think?

Excellent idea!

the flowmaster force II 3 chamber is good... it is louder than stock but not too much i have heard...... should be perfect for you..... do the catback system....less to deal with later....

Jimabena74, would you know how the Force II compares to a Delta 40 (cat-back) sound wise... I am in a similar sit. and I want some performance and a little throatier sound when I get on the go-pedal, however I don't want a lot of interior resonance (I have kids riding with me often...) Thanks.

Would the cat back sound too loud??? Were can I find some good prices and info on this stuff?? Thanks for the help!

i know this is kind of off-topic, but my friends 93 F-150 has NO muffler on it, they just bolted on a flexible tube, and i can tell you that V-8 is one loud MF!!!

40 series is much louder then the force 2, search the site for Flowmaster ... theres alot of info on here, its a very common topic.

how much does that force II system cost?

thanks chucky :)
considering weather to get a 40 series and have custom pipe 3" or that now, hmmm

Go with the cat back

I got the Flow Master cat back from and it was one of the best $160 I've spent . I can't really tell you about the noise level because I have headers . Talk about throaty ! The headers and cat back make a nice combo . Nice sound and good performance . Just don't buy HeadMan headers . They SUCK to get a good seal ! If you decide to add headers after the cat back go with a company that has a "Ball and socket " connection to the "Y" pipe . If you get the cat back system , it will be easier to put on then just the muffler . You do have to buy a Donut gasket from the store , but other than that it's 2 bolts . I think the system from Summit comes with a Delta 50 muffler . It should be fine with the kids .

HeadMan :shoot:

red... you want to put a 3 inch pipe on your 4.0 sohc?

If thats the case... dont, dont go any biger then 2 1/4, if you do you'll loose alot of low end torque! If you search around alot of guys will agree and its a topic that has been talked about alot, so youll find alot of info on it.


Thanks guys, I think I will go with 2 and 1/4 or 2 and 1/2, maybe even keep the stock pipes for now

yeh 3 inch pipe will just cuase a loss of back pressure. and when you start to loose too much backpressure it gets quieter. with the 4.0 i wouldnt put any bigger then 2.5".
