New fan clutch,t-stat,and water pumpand still overheating. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New fan clutch,t-stat,and water pumpand still overheating.


Well-Known Member
December 17, 2008
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1999 sport
Well,I put the new water pump,t-stat and fan clutch in the sohc 4.0 today and shockingly it is still overheating under a load and at slow travel.Im ok with putting everything on that I did because it was all the original factory parts and they have 200,000 miles on them but,I guess my next step will be a new radiator.

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Have you checked the radiator cap? A bad cap will cause overheating as well.

I tried the radiator cap today and it still overheated when under a load.The only 2 options left are radiator and head gasket.I have no water in oil and no steam from tailpipe so Im not thinking its the head.

Air pocket in cooling system?

head gasket or cracked head...

Are you getting any air bubbles from the radiator withe the cap removed and engine running?

No air bubbles.If I was would that mean a head issue?

Usually a head or gasket problem. Be sure ALL air has been purged from the system.

Sounds like a HEAD-ACHE.... Haha.. sorry. Seriously, id bet it has something to do with your heads, gasket or crack. I did some of the remedies you tried. I just finished replacing the heads and gaskets, one head had a crack. Solved my problem.
