new guy from nw colorado | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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new guy from nw colorado


December 26, 2010
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1994 explorer xlt
started studying up to find a 4x4 suv to replace the minivan for the wife, and found this site. decided the explorer was the better of the midsize suvs, and purchased one.

i think i got lucky. i found a 1994 explorer xlt from arizona that was owned by a little old lady had not a spec of rust top or bottom, armor alled inside and out with 98,000 miles on it. she sold it to me for $1700. it has a few minor probs. the drivers seat is worn out, there is a powersteering leak, and the auto hubs have failed. they will be replaced with the jeep fullfloater hubs from warn. i put the cooper stt's that were on the minivan on the explorer and that is where i am at now. will post a pic or two later.

have enjoyed all the tech in here. looking forward to making this ex mine.

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G'day and welcome. It'd have to be a sick minivan to be running cooper's ay?


it was a 2001 chrysler voyager front wheel drive, that the father inn law gave us.

they fit but barely, the tires were 3" taller than stock at 30x 9.5. i used it to check on injection wells in the mud and snow. the stt's performed flawlessly and never let me get stuck, despite following an f250 superduty through some rutted out clay on the way to work.

before i bought the explorer i was looking at mounting a winch where the foam bumper is on the front. it would have been the perfect place.

now we are selling the van. she's been good to us.
