New guy to the forums, lifelong Ford guy though | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New guy to the forums, lifelong Ford guy though

Fords & .45's

New Member
July 6, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Headed to NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
08 CVPI, 96 F150, 88 BII
Okay, so here goes:

I am an ASE certified technician, recent college grad (went back as an adult for a second go-round heh), Army vet, and my two main hobbies are cars and guns. I have been into Fords since I was 10 at a car show and a cherry 1970 Boss 429 Mustang idled by. I was instantly hooked. I have had more Broncos (3), Bronco IIs (6) and F150s (5) than any other vehicle. I have had Mustangs, Thunderbirds, a Ranger, a Crown Vic Interceptor, an Areostar at one point, and even a Taurus SHO. I have had one Explorer, a '98 5.0 AWD that got me through a couple of rough North Dakota winters.

I HAVE had other types of vehicles, but we won't admit to any of those here.:D

My current interest is in customizing and modifying vehicles. To that end, I am looking at taking an Explorer Sport, doing a full top removal (no half cab), reinforcing the body, putting a 5.0 into it, and maybe lifting it a bit as well.

To that end, I am doing research on trying to figure out which years/gen of 2-door Sport would be the best one to operate on. I have already eliminated the 3rd gen because I just don't like the lines or the changes that Ford did to make them more car-like. I was going to post this last bit/question in a different section, but since they are split in the years I wouldn't want to double post. Hopefully some folks will have some insight and will be generous with their knowledge. And please, don't do the whole "search" thing, fellas. I AM searching, but it never hurts to ask directly as well while I'm doing the digging.

Have a good evening, all and thanks for setting up this community!

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Not the greatest pics, but this is what it looks like behind my house currently LOL



Nah, the Aerostar went the way of the great and noble dodo. What is pictured is all that I currently own.
