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New member, just need advice


New Member
April 27, 2004
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Houston, Tx
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Hi. Im new here. I do not own an explorer, but I have an 87 Suzuki Samurai, with a chevy 229 in it. (suzuki?, chevy?, ya, what am i doing here?)
I have been searching for a rear-end and driveshafts to put under it because I keep breaking the stock suzuki parts. I have come to the conclusion that an explorer rear-end might be the answer. I was wondering if anybody could give me info on the explorer rear-ends so that I know which specific one to look for. If im not mistaken, the explorers use the 8.8 rearend, right? Are all explorer rear-ends an 8.8? If not which ones have the 8.8? Also, what are the widths of the rear-ends, and do all explorers run leafs, or coils? What generation explorers came with what? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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explorers from 91-01 ran 8.8s in the rear and they were all leaves with SUA dont know about the width, but i am sure some one will chime in here that does :D

cool cool, thats what I wanted to hear. I could be wrong, but dont the explorers have 3.73 gears in them?

here's a link on the axle codes.. Just write them down and when you go looking for an axle, you'll know what you have. Yeah 3.73 was a common axle ratio but mostly in the 4 door. The 2 door often had either 3.55 or 4.10.

Thanks for all of the info everyone. Now I just gotta find one and make it fit. :burnout:

