new member, needs advice | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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new member, needs advice


New Member
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Phoenix, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Eddie Bauer
Hi, guys. My name's Eric and I just joined the forum. Please take the time to strap in for this one. It's a little "lengthy"... I have always owned Ford: '70 Maverick (current resto-mod project), '91 Mustang LX 5.0, '04 Sport Trac XLS, '04 Ranger XLT 4WD, and I just traded my '07 Suzuki crotch rocket for a '95 Explorer Eddie Bauer, push-rod 4.0, Control-Trac. However, this one's being difficult. The previous owner drained all the fluids for a recent drive-train overhaul. Thing is, he forgot to re-fill the 4405 transfer case upon re-assembly. --- Fantastic. --- So, about 5k miles later (now that it's my problem of course), the internals decide to take a dump and are chewed up beyond financially-justfiable repair.

Went out salvage yard-hopping and found an entire 5.0 4WD drive-train out of a '96 Explorer Limited. Great shape, too. Had to talk to the owner just to get him to let me back where this thing was being kept. They're planning to pull the drive-train and scrap the the rest of the vehicle on Tuesday. All that's wrong with it is some front-end frame/body damage from a medium collision. The rest of the vehicle is in amazing shape. I talked the owner into setting it aside for a week and letting me pull a bunch of parts to buy before they scrap it.

Here are my questions:

1.) Is the transfer case out of the '96 interchangeable with mine, despite the two different transmissions and possible drive-shaft differences? Both are auto, by the way. Mine's a 4R55E and the 5.0 liter's a 4R70W.

2.) Suppose I was entertaining the idea, how much would be involved with an entire drive-train swap regarding any fab, wiring, cooling/fuel system mods, etc? Do the V-6 harnesses mate up with the V-8 harnesses with the exception of the ignition?

I have researched this quite and bit and have not found any info. regarding my specific questions. Can anyone here give me an idea, or, at least, point me in the right direction? Thanks guys.


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welcome eric

You need---
the ignition switch, and receiver-with the matching keys with transponder-
the pcm, , engine wire harness , pats module, gem module, transmission and transfer case, engine and driveshafts from the donor truck, for a successful swap.The electronics MUST be from the same truck

I know I have missed some things, others will chime in.

Welcome, and good luck


Check out the transmission section. You will find a ton of posts about transfer case swaps.

Thanks for the direction pointing. Much appreciated. Looking forward to meeting others on this site.

