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New member of the Explorer family

nice x

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I too ordered the exact same vehicle (colors and everything) except with 4WD. I was nervous having not seen a white suede explorer on the lot, but in your pics it looks great! Congrats!

Hey den6321, when did you order? Do you have a build date yet? I ordered just over 3 weeks ago and don't have a build date or vin yet :(

I too ordered the exact same vehicle (colors and everything) except with 4WD. I was nervous having not seen a white suede explorer on the lot, but in your pics it looks great! Congrats!

Hey den6321, when did you order? Do you have a build date yet? I ordered just over 3 weeks ago and don't have a build date or vin yet :(

I ordered on 12/18. Have been given a build date of sometime next week - although it looks like that may be a little optimistic. I do have a VIN. Actually got it the first part of this month. My order is an XLT in White Suede with the 202A option. Moonroof and towing package. This is the frist time I have ordered a vehicle sight unseen. I have driven one since the order and it confirmed my "guess" that this was going to be a winner.

Very nice!!!can it handle dirt and mud?

Looks very nice!just wondering if it was made to handle dirt and mud?

I too ordered the exact same vehicle (colors and everything) except with 4WD. I was nervous having not seen a white suede explorer on the lot, but in your pics it looks great! Congrats!

Hey den6321, when did you order? Do you have a build date yet? I ordered just over 3 weeks ago and don't have a build date or vin yet :(

3 weeks huh? Come February 3rd I will have waited 5 months from the day I ordered and even then, it will be at least 2 more weeks, possibly 4 before I see my X in person.

3 weeks huh? Come February 3rd I will have waited 5 months from the day I ordered and even then, it will be at least 2 more weeks, possibly 4 before I see my X in person.

Don't get me wrong, I ordered 3 weeks ago, but I've been "waiting" for it since the debut last summer. I'm kicking myself for not ordering sooner since I knew that the Ex is what I wanted. It is a sweet ride and I think we're all excited for our orders to arrive. I think I'll feel less anxious once I have a build date. I've seen the experiences of some on the facebook page who pre-ordered months ago and still don't have build dates.

Beautiful X. They really have raised the bar for all of the other midsized SUVs. Now if I could just kill my 99'. ;)

Looks very nice!just wondering if it was made to handle dirt and mud?

Yes it can handle dirt and mud. It's not a mud bogger or rock crawler, but it will do more than the average buyer will ever need;)

Long delay on build dates

Can't believe how long it is taking some of you to get your ex. I was reply surprised to see that our local dealer has two of them in stock. My wife is not imPressed, she doesn't think it is as big as an suv should be. I myself like it! But I kinda favor ex's anyway!

If mine is not here in 8 weeks as promised they can eat the damn thing

If mine is not here in 8 weeks as promised they can eat the damn thing

If I go from my order date, it's been 5 months and 2 days. If I go from the day they started production of retail orders it's been 2 months and 2 days (and I live fairly close to Chicago). It was supposed to be built 2 days ago but with the recent snow storm it won't be built until next week (most likely). That brings a delivery week of roughly 2/14 (pending no more snow storms).

Edge your delivery will be quick, Cory at Ford is saying it will take 3 weeks for my Vehicle to reach me here on Vancouver Island

The last ford I ordered was in 1978 it took 13 weeks and I went somewhere else and bought one I think Ford is playing head games with people trying the old law of supply and demand to keep price up Either that or the dealers are only alloted so many a year and have already either ordered them for some one else thus the wait for some customers

I think it is more on the Ford side then the dealers. My dealer only ordered mine and their own. Theirs was built 7 Dec before I ordered mine and they still have not received it...................

what gets me they advertise them like you can run right down to the dealer and buy one the tv is full of ads.

My order is an XLT in White Suede with the 202A option. Moonroof and towing package. This is the frist time I have ordered a vehicle sight unseen. I have driven one since the order and it confirmed my "guess" that this was going to be a winner.

Change to red candy and you ordered the same as me. Good picks :) The funny thing, this is my second sight unseen vehile order. My first? It was my 08 Explorer.

what gets me they advertise them like you can run right down to the dealer and buy one the tv is full of ads.

Haven't seen one yet. Not in the "'Northland" area.

what gets me they advertise them like you can run right down to the dealer and buy one the tv is full of ads.

You can. They have multiple 2011 Explorers here and it's not even a big city.
