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New Owner - stupid questions


June 20, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer Limited AWD 2012
I just returned home from dealership, with new Limited.
Here (in Israel) on winter we must drive with low beam lights on (outside of cities). So I must put my lamps switch to "manual on" position.
I expected that shutting off the engine will turn off lights as well (just like it was / is on every car that I drove here).
But no - lights stay on, and chime is sounded, apparently to remind me to turn them off.
According to manual, "autolamp" feature allows to delay lights shutoff delay (default - 20 sec), but apparently it is activated only if light switch is in "auto" position.
So the question is - is there any way to shut off main lights when ignition is switched off ?
Second question: TPMS system.
Car is equipped with TPMS, fine. It has some warning/alert lightthat will be illuminated when air pressure in some wheel gets below minimum. But can I just see current air pressure values ?
4 years old Grand Cherokee of my friend just displays pressure in its "trip computer" display.
Does Ex hides those figures somewhere ?


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I just returned home from dealership, with new Limited.
Here (in Israel) on winter we must drive with low beam lights on (outside of cities). So I must put my lamps switch to "manual on" position.
I expected that shutting off the engine will turn off lights as well (just like it was / is on every car that I drove here).
But no - lights stay on, and chime is sounded, apparently to remind me to turn them off.
According to manual, "autolamp" feature allows to delay lights shutoff delay (default - 20 sec), but apparently it is activated only if light switch is in "auto" position.
So the question is - is there any way to shut off main lights when ignition is switched off ?

Not sure I'm answering your question, but would turning on the daytime running lights work, rather than having to drive with low beams on?


Second question: TPMS system.
Car is equipped with TPMS, fine. It has some warning/alert lightthat will be illuminated when air pressure in some wheel gets below minimum. But can I just see current air pressure values ?
4 years old Grand Cherokee of my friend just displays pressure in its "trip computer" display.
Does Ex hides those figures somewhere ?


Nope, no display of tire pressure for each tire. Only the warning if one were to be low.

I just returned home from dealership, with new Limited.
Here (in Israel) on winter we must drive with low beam lights on (outside of cities). So I must put my lamps switch to "manual on" position.
I expected that shutting off the engine will turn off lights as well (just like it was / is on every car that I drove here).
But no - lights stay on, and chime is sounded, apparently to remind me to turn them off.
According to manual, "autolamp" feature allows to delay lights shutoff delay (default - 20 sec), but apparently it is activated only if light switch is in "auto" position.
So the question is - is there any way to shut off main lights when ignition is switched off ?
Second question: TPMS system.
Car is equipped with TPMS, fine. It has some warning/alert lightthat will be illuminated when air pressure in some wheel gets below minimum. But can I just see current air pressure values ?
4 years old Grand Cherokee of my friend just displays pressure in its "trip computer" display.
Does Ex hides those figures somewhere ?


Once the lights are on Manual mode you'll have to remember to turn them off. This is how most cars work that dont have auto headlights.

As sophisticated and information intensive as the Ex is, unfortunately you cant check the pressure readings. You'll only get a warning when one of the tires is low and it doesnt tell you which one either.

if you live in a cold climate, have your tires inflated by an extra 3 lbs, this should deter the tpms warning lights from coming on on really cold mornings. They can be such a pain. The sensors usually go when they are 10% down in pressure, it drove me nuts in my honda, hopefully this won't be the case in the ex xlt, but if it does, up goes the tire pressure in the cold months

I have manual lights and have left them on before and they have automatically turned off

Won't the battery saver feature turn them off after 10 minutes?

Our XC-90 has DRL, so we NEVER touch the headlight switch. Thus, when we test drove the EX for a weekend, we turned on the lights, but totally forgot to ever turn them off. Turns out, they shut themselves off when we turned the car off and there was no chime. Essentially, it was like we had DRL...U.S. model.

leave the selector in AUTO and tape over the sensor on the dash with black tape. They will always turn off when key is off, after set delay time.

if you live in a cold climate, have your tires inflated by an extra 3 lbs, this should deter the tpms warning lights from coming on on really cold mornings. They can be such a pain. The sensors usually go when they are 10% down in pressure, it drove me nuts in my honda, hopefully this won't be the case in the ex xlt, but if it does, up goes the tire pressure in the cold months

I doubt Israel can be considered region with cold climate.
Today at 6 am we had 13 C, at noon - around 25 C :) I mean - above zero

Won't the battery saver feature turn them off after 10 minutes?
I don't want to leave illuminated vehicle for 10 minutes. For sure it isn't good for battery, and also it brings unneeded attention.
Automatic shutoff after 10 minutes is good as "last chance" prevention of emptying the battery completely, not as "every day" practice ending the trip.

leave the selector in AUTO and tape over the sensor on the dash with black tape. They will always turn off when key is off, after set delay time.
O!, Genius !
That should work. Where this sensor is located ?

Not sure I'm answering your question, but would turning on the daytime running lights work, rather than having to drive with low beams on?
daytime running lights are lights that are forcefully "on" whenever ignition is on, like in Norway cars ?
Here, there is no law requiring lights on every car everywhere.
Only on winters, and only on intercity roads. So AFAIK cars here do not have this feature.
I saw something about DRL in manual, but it says "if installed".
Do you know how to enable this feature in Ex ?

I have manual lights and have left them on before and they have automatically turned off

Without any configuration, it was "default behavior" ?
After how long they turned off ?
Did you locked the vehicle or just turned ignition off ?

Smack dab in the middle of the dash...... Use either a piece of black electrical tape covering the entire sensor, or cut a piece of black vinyl so it fits nicely over the sensor so neither is noticable. Lights will function the same in the day time as they would at night when set to AUTO.


Smack dab in the middle of the dash...... Use either a piece of black electrical tape covering the entire sensor, or cut a piece of black vinyl so it fits nicely over the sensor so neither is noticable. Lights will function the same in the day time as they would at night when set to AUTO.
Thanks, will try tomorrow.
