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No 4x4

Danny Leblanc

Active Member
April 26, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Moncton, New Brunswick Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
91' XLT
My 1991 XLT won't shift into 4x4. The low range keeps flashing when I start it unless I press the 4x4 or low range button and shift it into drive then back into park.

Is there a certain way to shift it into 4x4?


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Ok so I did a search and found out the proper way to shift into 4x4 and it still didn't work. I checked the fuse under the hood and its find. I read the stick about rebuilding the shift motor and now I am stuck.


How can I get these screws out. I used a T-20 and the screws where to rusted.

As a plus note, my low range stopped flashing since I pulled the motor so I'm thinking its either the motor or the sensor.

I hope someone can give me a quick reply.

I'd get some sort of penetrating lube like PB Blaster or something. Let it soak for a while.

section525 said:
I'd get some sort of penetrating lube like PB Blaster or something. Let it soak for a while.

I will soak them but there is nothing to grab on to to turn them. I tryed vice grips but not enough room.

I did the motor test and it worked so I'm guessing its the electrical contacts.... if I can ever get to them.

Did you use a Torx-20 or security Torx-20? The screws are security torx-20 (w/center pin). The security torx bit will have a hollow center section to fit over the pin...

If all else totally fails you could try to cut a slot in the screws so you can put a flat head in them...

DeRocha said:
Did you use a Torx-20 or security Torx-20? The screws are security torx-20 (w/center pin). The security torx bit will have a hollow center section to fit over the pin...

I used the security Torx-20.

CodePoet said:
If all else totally fails you could try to cut a slot in the screws so you can put a flat head in them...

What should I use to cut a slot in them?

Danny Leblanc said:
What should I use to cut a slot in them?
dremel...with cut off wheel.. when you used the Security Torx why did it fail to remove them (did the bit slip, and round out the head)?

DeRocha said:
dremel...with cut off wheel.. when you used the Security Torx why did it fail to remove them (did the bit slip, and round out the head)?

It failed to remove them because they disintegrated. There was about 1mm of metal that fell of the screws.

Did you try needle nose vice grips? Other wise you're looking at trying the slot cutting method, or perhaps having to drill the screws out.

I would just cut those heads off and replace the bolts.

BTW did you confirm that the shift motor isnt turning?
For example, with the shift motor removed from the transfer case but with the connector(s) still connected to the vehicle, did youu switch the 4wd selector to 4LO and the shift motor didnt turn at all?

IZwack said:
I would just cut those heads off and replace the bolts.

BTW did you confirm that the shift motor isnt turning?
For example, with the shift motor removed from the transfer case but with the connector(s) still connected to the vehicle, did youu switch the 4wd selector to 4LO and the shift motor didnt turn at all?

I connected the powerwires from the motor directly to the battery and it moved.

DeRocha said:
Did you try needle nose vice grips? Other wise you're looking at trying the slot cutting method, or perhaps having to drill the screws out.

Yup... tried needle nose grips and no luck.... I'm going out and buying a dremel this week, I need one anyways lol.

Danny Leblanc said:
I connected the powerwires from the motor directly to the battery and it moved.
Well then theres no need to rebuild the motor itself.

Reconnect the shift motor to the vehicle, do the test I mentioned above, and if that works, then your 100% sure that its not the shift motor.

How can I get these screws out. I used a T-20 and the screws where to rusted.

Just drill the heads off without going to deep so you do not have to use washers upon reassembly. Pull cover and replace studs.

IZwack said:
Well then theres no need to rebuild the motor itself.

Reconnect the shift motor to the vehicle, do the test I mentioned above, and if that works, then your 100% sure that its not the shift motor.

I know its not the motor.... its the sensor on the motor that you fix with tubing.

Ok, I got the screws off and pulled the top part apart. That little plastic washer was in perfect shape... it just fell off the screw. I placed it back on the screw and put alittle RVT to keep it on.

I then installed it on the truck, connected the wires and was ready to go! I started it up, and no 4x4 light where flashing. So, i put it in netural, pushed the brakes and hit the 4x4 button. I then put it in drive and there was aloud clink, but since they haven't used 4x4 in over a year I thought it was just alittle stiff. I then tried to take it out of 4x4 and it won't let me now. As soon as I start the truck my low range light keeps flashing untill I push low range then it will just stay on.

Anyone know what this could be now?


Maybe the washer fell off again and the sensor is once again blind (therefore not allowing a shift to occur). Are you in 4H or 4L?

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DeRocha said:
Maybe the washer fell off again and the sensor is once again blind (therefore not allowing a shift to occur). Are you in 4H or 4L?

Im not sure.... my 4x4 light is lit but my low range light flashes untill I shift it into low range....
