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"no codes"


Well-Known Member
February 12, 2008
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las cruces new mexico
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91 4x4
I hate to even ask. But. I grounded the sti wire and the test would not run. Nothing. I checked many things described in the post. I do not beleive this is operator error.
Should I try the test again with one of those 30 dollar code readers? I have a first gen X. Autozone said they do not do codes on that year.

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cel works fine! I am sure.

Those cheap code readers don't do anything different, they still ground STI to get the computer to enter self-test mode. If there's still a chance that it's "operator error" one of those code readers may get you over that hump.

Double check everything until you know it isn't operator error. Make sure you are getting a good connection between STI and ground.

Have you tried using an analog voltmeter or test light as the output device?

Checked the wiring between the self-test connector and the PCM? You might try identifying the STI pin at the PCM and grounding it there instead of at the self-test connector.

I grounded it to the battery. Looks like it was operator error.
