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No reverse lights


New Member
June 24, 2005
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City, State
Boston, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Explorer Sport
Hey guys, I've been tryin to figure out what the heck has been wrong with my reverse lights for a while now. I check my fuses when this first started to happen and they all seemed to be fine. I just finished replacing my reverse switch/sensor thats at the top of the tranny, Still no go. Is there anything i'm overlooking that could cause this aside going through all the firing? Thanks guys

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I am not implying any thing by means. I am going by the information you gave me.

Did you check the bulbs ?

well the circuit is pretty simple. Of course, the "easy" check is ... are you "seeing" voltage at the bulb when your key is in run and the selector is in reverse????

Sorry for not being more clear, yes the bulbs are fine.
as for the voltage at the bulbs... if the bulbs are fine then there isn't any voltage getting to them, i'll grab a volt/ome meter tomorrow to check it out just to be sure, but as far as i know they aren't getting juice

my wording might not have been the best... sorry... but there is some "madness" there as you need to know if you are chasing a voltage problem or possibly a grounding problem... hence the comment... just knowing that the bulbs are good isn't enough. hopefully the additional info will focus the troubleshooting further.

I agree, a bulb will never be a substitute for a meter.
A test light doesnt count either, all I ever use a test light for is fuses.

nevermind this post.....I was alittle "toasty" last night. I don't remember writing this post... :eek:

Ummmmmm reverse light ?

The DTR has to be aligned properly, or you won't get the reverse lights to go on. I saw in your other post that you replaced it, but they don't work. The question is: did they work before you replaced the DTR?

seeing as my state inspection expires in 2 days, I figure I should really get back on this issue.
I have yet to get a meter on the lights to see if there is little to no voltage, however when I first had this problem, they didn't just stop working they wouldn't work for a while, then they would, but both lights went at the same time. Someone mentioned a grounding issue earlier and I think thats my best option at the moment seeing as everything is closed around me and my meter was wrecked
My next question is where is the ground wire attached so i can see if it came lose. It's a 96 explorer sport and if anyone knows please tel me because the wiring diagram I have the ground isn't where it says it is.
