O/D OFF Light Flashing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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O/D OFF Light Flashing


Well-Known Member
October 26, 2002
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99 XLT 5.0
I need help quick. I am supposed to tow tomorrow cross country and my O/D OFF light is flashing. Tranny still shifts down when the button is pressed. I do not have an owners manual. Any help would be great. Thanks in Advance!!!

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It has always been suggested

that you don't tow with it in overdrive. I never noticed that the gas mileage changes that much with out it. Does it ever go off for periods of time or have you noticed the tach is a little higher? This light will flash if the torque converter clutch fails to engage or if you loose overdrive. The computer knows how fast the engine is going and how fast the output shaft is going. If the speeds don't jive with what it expexts, it flashes the light. Unless you hear new noises or have really erratic operation, you can live with it for a while. I stripped my overdrive drum teeth and drove it another 70K. Another time I lost the overdrive and 5K later dropped the pan and found 5 needle bearings. It still drove fine except for overdrive. You can drive for years without the torque converter locking up. These transmissions are tougher than you think!

To check torque converter lockup, drive 60 at a constant speed. When stable, check your tach value. Keeping your foot on the gas, with your left foot lightly touch the brakes. Only enough to turn the brake lights on. You should see the tach increase about 300-400 rpm. If it doesn't increase the torque converter wasn't in a locked position. Often this is a stuck valve in the valve body and not a hard failure.

Your OD light is used as an indication for all tranny related failure modes. If your transmission downshifts when you push the button, then there is another failure that has set off your light. Other failures that I can think of that will set it off, tranny temperature too high, torque converter not locking, solenoids not operating correctly (missing a gear), and several other reasons. You will have a code set in your PCM that a proper scanner can read. It would tell you the failure that caused the light to flash.

Well, no problems after unconnecting the battery. (had to for installing the hitch wiring harness - long story there).

Seems fine now...think its gone ??

Originally posted by rscamaro73
Well, no problems after unconnecting the battery. (had to for installing the hitch wiring harness - long story there).

Seems fine now...think its gone ??

It will probably come back. It's worth the cost of a code scan.

This happened to me last week. I let it go for a few days and it would come back with whatever I tried, and began to clunk into gear as I came to a stop from 2cd to 1st downshift. Turned out to be the shift solenoid beginning to stick. Common problem. Seems to have solved it.
