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Official Sport Trac specific CL finds, post here to help others...

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Same wheels and tires I had on mine. I sold all five matching wheels and tires for $700. Still an awesome deal.

Oh that is killing me. I desperately need 33s but won't have the funds till summer

'01-05 EXPLORER SPORT TRAC BED - $125 (clarington) "Wheelin, W.V."

Valas69 just bought a black bed, tailgate and bed extender from this guy a couple weeks ago. Great price, you could buy it and parts it out for more money or build a matching trailer.

I only paid a little more than that for mine and it only needed a transmission.

You and I both know that it could be bought for less. I bought a 2000 XLT for $700 that had an asking price of $1600. It only needed tires and shocks.

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