Oil Leaking... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil Leaking...


New Member
April 10, 2017
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2012 Ford Explorer 4x4
I noticed yesterday that there were a few drops of oil on the garage floor. I looked under the 2012 ford explorer 4x4 XLT and saw where it was coming from. It looks to be connected to the axel? Can someone help me by telling me what this part is because I am not sure. I am hoping it is an easy fix.
I hope the URL works so that you can see the picture.


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The arrow is pointing to the lower control arm. The oil you see dripping is probably from elsewhere and is dripping there because it's the lowest point. See this link regarding the transmission seal. What color is the oil? I believe your problem is the transmission seal. Let us know if that's your problem.

I noticed yesterday that there were a few drops of oil on the garage floor. I looked under the 2012 ford explorer 4x4 XLT and saw where it was coming from. It looks to be connected to the axel? Can someone help me by telling me what this part is because I am not sure. I am hoping it is an easy fix.
I hope the URL works so that you can see the picture.

Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
If the oil is a reddish colour that it indicates transmission fluid. I think the area you pointed out is too far forward to be a PTU leak.


Thank you for the replies! I am going to look and see if I see oil coming from somewhere else. The oil seems to be pretty dark. I also watched the video and if this is the cause it may end up being a fun weekend job.

i'm not sure if the lower control arm has oil in them but mine was replace from dealer when i reported oil covering the bottom part.

