Old Member / New Vendor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Old Member / New Vendor


Well-Known Member
January 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Clifton, New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Adrenalin
Hello Folks,
Charlie here (previous forum name CODell85GT).
It has been an interesting ride (for me at least) which brings me here today.

After 18 years working for a large Fortune 500 company in Sourcing, Purchasing, Project Management and then being outsourced in 2018 I have decided to pursue my passion for cars and start a small e-commerce business.

This has been a long time in development (Pre Covid-19) and is being updated daily.
Redline Automotive Restyling is a Family run business with my wife, son and daughter all contributing in different roles.
We currently are Authorized resellers for Katzkin, Infotainment, and Wheelskins.
We have access for any year, make, model and product which is carried by each of the 3 suppliers and we are exploring additional suppliers to add.

We are committed to offering the best possible customer service experience and pricing whenever possible.

We have discount codes for Explorer forum members and if anyone is interested message us here for the details.

Have a Happy 4th everyone and stay safe and healthy.


If anyone is wondering, yes, I still own my 08 STA and it has just under 48,000 miles on the clock.
Mods include, 22"x 9" Ford Edge Replica wheels from OEWheels, Cams, K&N CAI, Ford Racing Blue Valve Covers, Magnaflow muffler and rectangular tip.

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Welcome to the Forum. Happy to have you here as a vendor. :wave:
I've seen the Redline name come up several times in the 5th and 6th gen. Explorer threads.


Thanks guys!

Welcome to the forum Charlie from Ocean County. Good luck with your business.

Thanks Mike. I spent a lot of time in your neck of the woods during the early 90’s.
I had a boat docked in Brick and a couple of friends with family in Toms River.
I love that area of the state.

Welcome new vendor! Please start a Q & A thread in the vendor's section with a title name of your company, coupon code, and a brief list of what you're selling in the first post. Let me know if you need further assistance.

Welcome new vendor! Please start a Q & A thread in the vendor's section with a title name of your company, coupon code, and a brief list of what you're selling in the first post. Let me know if you need further assistance.
Hi, I sent you a message.
