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? on timing chains


Well-Known Member
March 6, 2003
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City, State
Algonquin, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT 4X4 4.0
Back in 2003, I had my timing chain tensioner (rear?) replaced (4.0 SOHC 4WD AT) w/ 98K miles. It was rattling at start up and eventually would quiet down. Ford dealer charged $219. The original repair was listed as "KIT INTAKE MANIFOLD" with parts cost of $59.40 and labor of $160.

Now at 124K, I am hearing a slight "Tin Lizzy" sounding rattle. I only hear it under (light) load and it seems a little worse when cold. It sounds a little like pinging, but I think it is a timing chain sound and occurs at any RPM. And it does not go away when warm.

Could this be the front tensioner failing?

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Well after searching previous threads, I guess what I am hearing is likely to be failing tensioners causing chain rattle. It must have been the rear tensioner that my dealership replaced at 98K. So maybe it is the front I am hearing now. The rear made noise at startup and went away after warmup. This time it is only noticeable under load and sounds like slight pinging. Does it hot or cold.

Is this how the front chain sounds when it's tensioner/guide starts to fail?

I guess I have the dilemma of deciding whether to do the front and hoping the rear cassette holds up. Does anyone know if I had the dealer pull the manifold (as I did) and perform 00M12 related repairs would they have done both front and rear tensioners at that time (or rear only)?

The probably did just the rear as the front is much easier to do (doesn't require engine removal) even though only 200 bucks for parts and labor seems really low for that job. But to answer your question, it is very possible the front tensioner is failing after 120k.

I think they did the tensioner and not the guide/cassette, hence the low(er) price. I know the engine did not come out. I guess the intake is only pulled off for the rear tensioner? Anyone know for sure?

If so, then the front tensioner and/or guide(cassette) has never been done on mine.

I will be taking it in tomorrow. They say they will diagnose the problem and give me an estimate. I will post results (diagnosis and price) later this week.

i have the same thing i believe.....need to take it into the shop but just too damn busy

So, they told me that they do not think I am hearing timing chain tensioner or guide problems. They think it is pinging. I talked to the service advisor and he suggested a "carbon treatment like seafoam". Basically said if it is a chain rattling it might be the jackshaft, but not worth pulling the motor at 125K to fix it.

These guys are usually very honest and do good work so I have no reason not to trust the diagnosis. Have a lot of folks had confirmed ping that didn't turn out to be timing chain related?

For the 10 bucks a seafoam treatment costs it's certainly worth a shot.


dynamite196 said:
For the 10 bucks a seafoam treatment costs it's certainly worth a shot.

So, what would a "seafoam treatment" consist of? I know what seafom is (and have several cans, as I run it through my mowers, but how much should I put in 20 gallons of fuel?

dynamite196 said:
The probably did just the rear as the front is much easier to do (doesn't require engine removal) even though only 200 bucks for parts and labor seems really low for that job. But to answer your question, it is very possible the front tensioner is failing after 120k.

To do the front tensioner you must remove the intake. The rear can be done, from what I have read, through a wheel well.

i put 1 can in the tank and run a can through one of the larger vacume lines. the truck will smoke alot for about 10 min so dont be alarmed.

jp450 said:
To do the front tensioner you must remove the intake. The rear can be done, from what I have read, through a wheel well.

How certain are you that it is the front tensioner that can be replaced after removing the intake?

The most common way I've heard of doing seafoam is putting it in through the vaccum lines.
