One pic finally up...more to come | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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One pic finally up...more to come


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Deerfield, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT V8
My X

The quality is not so great but I'm working on it. I'll have a few more pics including some of my speed grille and "5.0" emblem later on tonight.

What do you think?...Don't tell me I need to lower it like everybody else tells me - I'm working on it! :)

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ok, now I've got a few up!

looks great, cdX...

be sure to visit my page too, on cardomain, 98greyxlt.

where did you get your clear corner apc and how much did you pay?

and re: the lowering... are you planning on lowering it or not?

98xlt...thanks! I must say your truck looks very sweet =) I love how it looks lowered. As for the clear corners..the front ones are actually from Explorer Express they were either 85/90, I forget. I put APC products on my website because I ordered the APC street legal clear/red tail lenses (not altezza's)today and will be putting them on tomorrow. I'll get a pic and post it asap.

Lowering...well, I really want to but I dunno. I live in NH where we get dumped on in the winter so that's not in my favor...I also tow our boat to the lake in the summer once in a while and the ramp SUC*S so I'd probably bottom out. I'm thinking of just doing a torsion twist in the front because the rear sags so much it already looks lowered =P Either way I'll probably do it next spring. Any advice would be appreciated


Looks nice! Like the Chrome cobras!

IMO, you should put an exhaust on or at least a chrome tip. Then tint the front windows.


Originally posted by Cdexplorer

Lowering...well, I really want to but I dunno. I live in NH where we get dumped on in the winter so that's not in my favor...I also tow our boat to the lake in the summer once in a while and the ramp SUC*S so I'd probably bottom out. I'm thinking of just doing a torsion twist in the front because the rear sags so much it already looks lowered =P Either way I'll probably do it next spring. Any advice would be appreciated


hmm, i see your predicament... i, too, am trying to figure out how i'm going to be able to take my explorer up to the mountains this winter. i know that's kinda different from living in new hampshire, but snow is snow!

as for towing... depending on how heavy your boat is, you might be able to get away with it still... do you usually get a lot of rear end sag when you tow your boat?

if you do decide to lower, get stiffer shocks and beefier suspension bumpers that will soften those occassional "bottom outs." it's a tough call, but i do think your truck will look sweet if you do it.

hey looks good, you need to lower it though, hehehe. seriously, it really does look good.

I really like chrome cobra R. Also I think that the 5.0 emblem on the tailgate was an awesome idea. I like it.

lookin good.. some clear tails would look good on there IMO, I especially like that 5.0 emblem.. looks like it came stock on there, keep up the good work!

Thanks Guys!

Fantasymon...An exhaust is in the near future however now that you mention it I'd like to get a chrome tip until the time comes. Any suggestions? Good brands or types? How about the connection - should I get one to weld/clamp on or one to screw on etc.? Tint would also be in the near future for my front windows however here in NH nearly everything that makes your auto look good is illegal =(

My X has a fair amount of rear end sag when I tow which is why I'm worried about lowering it. I'm more worried about the towing factor than the snow - I had no problem driving around town during last years 36" snow storm. I must say AWD kicks A@@ in the snow!

Darkfox...I ordered clear and red street legal tail lenses (new from APC) and am going to pick them up today. I'm heading down to Fl. tomorrow though so pics won't be up for a week.

Thanks again & keep the suggestions coming!

Originally posted by Cdexplorer

Thanks again & keep the suggestions coming!

You have a nice looking truck there buddy. Aside from the cat-back system, have you thought about installing at least a drop-in K&N filter or the complete kit (K&N FIPK/KKM Tru Rev). This should improve your truck breath better.

cool, I'm in georgia.. happen to be passin through augusta?
