Wanted - Overhead Console part | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Overhead Console part

Parts or services wanted


Well-Known Member
December 6, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer XLT SOHC
Looking for this plug in peice that gives power to the bulbs. Front overhead console.


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The ribbon?

I'm thinking it would be easier to just find an entire overhead console... They're all over the junkyards. Might be going this weekend, what color do you need? I know they charge me the same for pieces or for the entire console...

Looking for Grey. Junk yards around here dont have many explorers and what they have have been picked over pretty well. Ive seen some consoles on *bay for 50 is that a decent price?

I think they nick me $30 for a console. If it's $50 shipped, that's not all bad, at least if I had to get one for ya... Did you check with ped5 or our other used parts vendors in the parts subforum by chance? They might have one for less...


Is your display still working?
I pulled one out of my Limited where the display wasn't working - best I remember the lights were fine.
You might could put them together for one good one.

Thanks for the offer but *bay might be the way to go. I was hoping that kbabiak or someone might see this and have the part. Isnt this the parts sub forum or is there another place I have missed finding?

Everything was good until I went to change the bulbs and found this ripped part. Is yours for the sun roof or non sun roof?

Thanks for the offer but *bay might be the way to go. I was hoping that kbabiak or someone might see this and have the part. Isnt this the parts sub forum or is there another place I have missed finding?

Everything was good until I went to change the bulbs and found this ripped part. Is yours for the sun roof or non sun roof?

hi i have the part i sent you a pm .thanks,karl


It's got a sunroof, but it's the flip-up style, so no switch.


It's got a sunroof, but it's the flip-up style, so no switch.

Thanks for the offer and I really appreciate it, but if its from your 94 Limited I do not think it will work. The consoles changed starting in 95.

kbabiak has the part I'm looking for and I have ordered it.

Glad you got it!

Actually, just for clarity if someone sees the thread, the console styles are the same...

1994 Limited:


1995 w/o power moonroof:


Wow live and learn While I was looking most places were showing 95-01 as one style.

NP, gonenuke.
I've got it stuck back in case I ever need it's parts.
Good luck with yours!
