"Oz" to get V6 diesel Explorer "Territory" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Oz" to get V6 diesel Explorer "Territory"


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

As exclusively revealed by CarAdvice in July 2009, the 2011 Ford Territory will feature a 2.7-litre turbo-diesel V6 engine, as seen in the Land Rover Discovery3. The diesel engine is set to give the Territory the added fuel economy gains of a diesel engine, while also adding torque into the mix. The Territory is also significantly lighter than the Land Rover Discovery3, meaning added performance benefits.


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I'm envious - RWD based and diesel. Landie's diesel should be a nice fit too.

Yep. Wish we could get one over here.:(

...Wonder if the Land Rover Discovery 3's diesel motor can already be found over here?

...:scratch:..Might be worth looking into...

Only way you'd find a diesel LR3/LR4 in the US is if it was imported.

Only way you'd find a diesel LR3/LR4 in the US is if it was imported.

And then that would cost you an arm, a leg and your first born!

Well, actually, I remembered - diesel LR3 probably won't meet emissions specs, which is required for importing. So maybe you could buy the Disco3 in the UK, remove the engine, tranny, transfer case and whatever else you wanted, then import those separately and leave the "vehicle" in Europe. Sounds gray, but that's ok.
