Paint chip repairs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Paint chip repairs

I ordered the DR colorchip repair kit for my black 08 xlt. It has a ton of rock chips in the hood which I'm just going to have repainted and then I'm putting on a deflector, But the rest of the car has a few good sized chips which the body shop said they were just going to touch up so I will give this kit a try. I've heard good things about it so we'll see. I'll do some before and after pics. Also my wife likes the chrome deflector instead of the smoked one, she likes chrome on her cars lol.

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I did that on my black Trailblazer SS and turned out amazing.

Sweet deal, thats what I'm hoping for. Did you have to really it to get it perfect or just once application??

did it work

I just got a scratch in new X, was thinking about using Dr colorchip but wasn't sure how food it was. Just asking to see what it results were b4 I bought....thanks

i've seen this ad on tv and wondered how well it worked.

Is it like the Langka kit?

The OP started this thread over 1 1/2 years ago and hasn't posted since August.

I'm hoping he is still around.

I have wondered if the repair kits actually do everything they claim. :dunno:
