Parking brake not engaging / break caliper issue? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Parking brake not engaging / break caliper issue?

Mojo Jojo

New Member
March 6, 2020
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Ford Explorer XLT
I've got a 2014 Explorer XLT. The parking brake suddenly won't engage at all. Pedal all the way down and no clicks. The dash is warning me the parking brake is engaged, but it's not.

I took a rear tire off, and had someone press the parking brake. The parking brake cable does pull the hook on the gear on the brake caliper rotating it slightly - when the parking break is fully pressed down. However, I'm not familiar with what is suppose to be happening, so I'm not sure if it's not rotating enough or what else I need to look for that could be the problem. I just don't know how this brake works.

Also, what exactly causes the warning dash light to illuminate when the parking brake is having issues? What's tripping a sensor?

[Thanks peterk9, I fixed the wording ... and also shortened my question]

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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I'm guessing that in your last sentence you meant to say what causes the warning dash light to go ON, not off. Is that right?


I took both rear tires off, had someone press and release several times on the parking brake, the cable pulls the gear about half an inch when the brake is fully pressed. I don't see anything clearly wrong. For the 4th generation drum brakes there are tons of videos and information, but I can't find ANYTHING on the 5th generation parking brakes.

Does that half-inch travel actually engage the brakes?


I tried to upload a video, but that wasn't happening, so I've added some pictures to give some context ...

1 - shows the outside view of the mechanism on the caliper. The cable is horizontal below the spring
2 - a panned out shot of the caliper and rotor
3 - the pads. The inside one does look a bit rough looking at that picture
4 - an inside view of the brake mechanism


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If it appears that more than a 1/2" of travel will engage the brakes then perhaps there is some way to adjust the cable itself or the amount of travel of the parking brake itself? :dunno:

