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Photos Moab 2006 Photos

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sweet. now i really really wish i was there.

Lindsy, all that and no pictures of you driving around toppless?!?!?! :p

Or should I say you can't really see the peaks unless your toppless.


SVO said:
Lindsy, all that and no pictures of you driving around toppless?!?!?! :p

Or should I say you can't really see the peaks unless your toppless.


........Jeff, if I ever finally get to meet you face to face I may have to slap you for that one...........

Sweet video, Rick!!

Spas said:
........Jeff, if I ever finally get to meet you face to face I may have to slap you for that one...........

Well, well, well we know who's thinking off the curb :p

Jeff - :navajo:

whoa.....that was a long trip home. Had to stop @ the new cabellas store outside salt lake on the way can imagine how much time we spent there....
It was nice to meet the one's I met finally, sorry I didn't get to spend more time with the group but I was getting reunited with old family. this trip turned into a family reuinion!
I still had a blast wheelin', I have to return for golden spike! I got in thursday, ran Poison Spider (3 miles from camp), got drunk around camp thursday night and went back to poison spider where I almost flopped the Ex-250 on its side. Friday we went up to Gemini Bridges after waking up at 10:30 (yes, we were at the grocery store, but I was still hung over/asleep).
Thanks to Jefe for the leading the group up Behind the Rocks on sat. and too his brother for bringing up the rear. After the 1st hill my front u-joint cap popped out (& my unlce flopped his quad) so I 2wheeled it half way through and headed back to camp to shove a new joint in and weld it together. Dinner was a blast, too bad they took my side arm before entering. I ate way too much roast beef!
After waking up from a drunkin haze (getting the picture?) on sunday, we had a lazy mothers day breakfast before ditching mom and heading to lions back, salad hill and running hell's revenge. Almost caught up with you all there, although the closest I got was spotting the big Purple One with my spotting glasses.
I had re-welded my joint half way through hells revenge when it finally gave up the ghost on Tip over challenge sending an ear shooting off into the sand (got it on video!) then I 2wheeled the rest of the way only to have my power steering belt shred the second I hit the pavement. Anyone try to steer a rig with hydro assist steering? Not easy....

Everytime I see this, it makes me laugh...

Gerald, you make it home ok?? Sounds like everyone else got cursed on the way home too :eek:

Did I miss linking anyone's photo gallery in this threads first post?

So Gerald got a bit happy about being in Moab again, who can blaim him after living on the east coast for some time. :D

Spas said:
Gerald, you make it home ok?? Sounds like everyone else got cursed on the way home too :eek:

Gerald just got home this afternoon, but he's about to be busy for a (long) while!! :D

Oh, I just learned about the little black notebook that was presented to Gerald--y'all are too funny!

Perry and Terry printed out the entire hootus thread and put it in a notebook for Gerald:D

I wonder if we should have a Moab 'Whoops!' thread after reading Cg's comments about his tie rod breaking..

This was pretty alarming for me:


Rick said:
Perry and Terry printed out the entire hootus thread and put it in a notebook for Gerald:D

LMAO! That's F'n Great!

to: Perry and Terry :chug:

Spas said:
I wonder if we should have a Moab 'Whoops!' thread after reading Cg's comments about his tie rod breaking..

This was pretty alarming for me:

That's Pumpkin Pee. ;)

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holey moley rick I hope you cleaned that spill up! hahaha

If the break bug is gonna bite you its gonna be in the desert, Moab is rough on all your trucks systems.

Thats an awesome idea with the notebook, props to Terry and Perry, 15 minutes of fame!
