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parts for 2wd to 4wd conversion


Well-Known Member
October 16, 2005
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City, State
cumming, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT
im thinking of buying a 1988 ranger std cab 2wd v6 5spd for 950 that runs excellent and i want to know what all i need to convert it to 4wd
i have...
-jeep waggy d44 complete with rotors and steering linkage and hubs
-BW1354 tcase
-shifter and boot
-4x4 front and rear d-shafts
-front leaf springs from a jeep waggy
-shackles for the front
-u bolts and plates

am i forgetting anything ?

and for the rear im debating on getting an ex. 8.8 with new shafts with a 6x5.5 bolt pattern or a d44 there too with chevy 63'' springs

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New transmission for a 4x4. Looks like you've got everything else tho.

ok have you been to pull apart lately? are there any 4x4 rangers or ex's out there with a v6 tranny and manual t case ?

JS91X said:
ok have you been to pull apart lately? are there any 4x4 rangers or ex's out there with a v6 tranny and manual t case ?
Didn't check the Rangers, but there definitely aren't any manual t-cases in the Explorers that they have (the buford hwy one).

can i convert an electric tcase to manual

but itd prob be easier to bolt up my t case but i dunno how much work itl be to take on of those trannys out and unbolt everything for that t case

There is a way to make a little turn knob type thing for the elec one, but it's hard to make it actually go into 4hi, etc (you just know one way is 2wd, one is 4lo, not in between tho) If it was me, I'd check ebay and other places like that ( for an actual manual t-case since that's the only way to truely convert to manual.

have you got any closer to your sas

About 3 weeks away. :D Just need:
calipers for rear, coil springs, trac bar, trac bar mount, shocks for front (getting the Rancho RS9000X adj. ones since I can buy em for 60ish each :D), and u-bolts/u-bolt plate!!!!

are you doin it your self or a shop doin it

JasonB and I are doing it over at his house.

what tire/wheel setup are you running? is it still going to be your dd?

37x12.50r16 Maxxis Creepy Crawlers on 16" black rock crawlers. Yes, it will be my DD for a bit until I can get an F250 (hopefully this summer).

anyone know what id do about my car insurance since its going to be converted to 4wd

As long as they don't inspect your truck...nothing. As far as my insurance is concerned I still drive a 2wd 2.3L 5sp Ranger; not a 4wd 4.0L lifted Ranger!

hahaha i guess you never got pulled over

As long as the VIN matches the title, registration and proof of insurance.


well i saw the 88 ranger today and it was a straight POS it needed a new head gasket new clutch and new brakes so i found a 1986 that was 4x4 STX model and has 86000 miles on it vs. 180000 on the 2wd 88 so me and my dad are goin down monday

EDIT: the 86 has 82,000

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