Performance upgrades? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Performance upgrades?


July 14, 2010
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2008 Sport Trac
... Anyone know of any performance upgrades or modifications that can be done to the newer 4.0 V-6's? I currently have a 2008 Sport Trac with the 4.0 and I cannot find any cold air intakes or programmers for it. I would also like to drop it about an inch & a half and can't find any kits for that either. Any help would be great!

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no drop kits available for any ST that I know of. I think because of the old Firestone tire issue no companies want to touch Explorers and sport tracs.

Does the V6 have the same rear end as the V8 ? You could swap out the rear end gears and still gain mileage too.

Well, I know mine is a 3.73 rear end. The thing is though, if I go to a 3.55 or 3.31 to try to improve my mpg's I will lose pulling power.. right? Also, I can't believe no one makes a cold air kit/intake for Explorer, Mountaineer, or Sport Trac with the 4.0 V-6 from 08-10. Although, I have found that SCT makes a performance programmer for them!

True about the gears. SOHC and DOHC engines get better mpg when they are spinning a bit. Gibson makes a cat-back exhaust that I have and like. Picks up 8 hp according to them and I get 3 mpg better mileage on the highway. I have a K&N replacement filter. I do not think the stock airbox is very restrictive but you can drill some extra holes in the bottom. I think Zabteck makes a larger throttle body but there is no intake from K&N or anybody else. I have been told that the Gen 1 headers from JBA will fit a Gen 2 but I'm not going to gamble $650 to find out. You can get an XCal2 tuner which will help. I am not aware of any drop kits but I'm a 4wd guy and that's not my thing.

V8's have a 355 gear you sure you have a 373 ?

Anyway I mean go to a 410, or 430 :)

higher number = lower gear (not sure why) = more pulling power but from what I've read since it's easier to pull the truck around you still pick up a few this forum for gears someone did it.

68GT.. yea, the higher the number..the lower the gear..which means more pulling power but "less" mpg's. The lower the number..the higher the gear..the better the mpg's.

JohnnyO.. thanks for the info!


..SOHC and DOHC engines get better mpg when they are spinning a bit...
That's indirectly true. Generally speaking, OHC motors can rev more than pushrod motors. That's because stock OHV (pushrod) motors are more prone to valve float and bent pushrods. OTOH it's possible to build an OHV motor that revs to 7 grand and beyond without any problems, and many stock OHC motors are out of breath before 6 grand.

In the case of the Ford 4.6 mod motor, the key is the oversquare bore/stroke. The relatively short stroke allows the reciprocating mass to move faster without flying apart. It also means that the relatively small displacement motor needs to spin faster before it starts making substantial torque. Oversquare designs are great fun in small, light cars like the Mustang. The Sport Trac should have come with the undersquare 5.4l as an engine option, especially when equipped with the optional Class III hitch. But since Ford didn't have anything "better" than the 5.4 to drop into the flagship Expedition... :rolleyes:

I miss the grand old 460.

Forgive me if this is done incorrectly, new at this. I have a 2010 Sport Trak limited. So far. Anyone know about the G-Force Chip advertised? I have the 6 cyl. Want to add air and exhaust, I know that does wonders on any newly choked up vehicle, can you dual exhaust the V-6? So far I am grateful you all are here. Thank you much.
