Perry's dads "99" power stroke | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Perry's dads "99" power stroke


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
June 25, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Loveland Co.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
Since I can't get photopoint to link to this page, I'll give you the link to our pictures.

This is pictures of my dad's 99 Power stroke built up from a rolled truck. We hope to have it running by next weekend if all goes well.

It took Ford three extra weeks to get us the cab, so we are behind on it. My folks are planning a trip to Canada the last week of this month so we don't have much time. So far it is going really well I think since we didn't really start on it until last weekend.

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I got some more pictures up tonight.

We got the new cab put on the chassis and it went a LOT better with three hoists. Calvin started to put the dash all back into the new cab. We are hoping to have it running again by Weds. evening.
We will still have the box to put on, but it is on the way.

Looks very good Perry! I like the graphic on the side, I think that makes it look very cool! I also like the pic of just the rolling chassy (sp?). I didnt realize the newer Powerstrokes had the shackle reversal on the front.

Nice truck! i wish I had a powerstroke!


Was this an insurance buy? whats the outcome price on doing this work. i guess knowing how to do it yourself cuts down a whole lot. just wondering what the cost would be as to buy one like it thats good.

"Everything is finished and ready for the big
trip to Canada 6/21/01"

Hey don't forget to pull that jack out before you go! LOL

Re: curious

Originally posted by A91EBexplorer4x4
Was this an insurance buy? whats the outcome price on doing this work. i guess knowing how to do it yourself cuts down a whole lot. just wondering what the cost would be as to buy one like it thats good.

Yes it was a insurance buy. He bought it from a place the insurance companies take the cars after they settle with the owners.

The guy that my dad shares his shop with just bought one just like this just lot rolled as bad and he paid $10,000.00 and should have it done for around $15,000.00. My dad I think has $18,000.00 in his.

At least you know when you are done it will be a good vehicle.
