Pics of the New Grill Guard | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pics of the New Grill Guard


The Xplorer U Luv to H8
July 9, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 4.6 Mounty
I know the pictures suck, and the Grill guard is too high right now, it needs to be was very cold and windy outside yesterday so I was just glad to get it on.



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Goes great with your truck:D

Looks awsome!! :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot guys....there is something missing....but that is on it's way ;)

Well....she just got a bath at lunch, and she is pulled in the shop so I can adjust the GG...but here is a better pic.


Thats a friggen nice truck, use either the first or last picture as your new avator they look way better then you one right now. Your truck looks like it has a mean/aggressive attitude I like it alot.

it was very cold and windy outside yesterday so I was just glad to get it on.

i wont say anything, hehe...

thanks a lot for the comments. I am adding one more thing soon...then I will get a new pic and be changing my avatar.

Originally posted by SSIKORA
I am adding one more thing soon...

It does look good. But I'm curious, what is the mystery thing?

Nice...they do look more intimidating with the "crash bar" as we call it in NY.

I tipped mine forward a little to compensate for the body lift, I thought it looked real nice leaning forward a little...

Tipping added some space between the bar and the nose...I gotta say it saved me a lot of damage after somebody dropped a car out of the sky in front of me.

I think they mount too close to the nose anyway.

If the bar had been in the original position I probably woulda had much more damage.

One thing about those bars...they keep the air bags from poppin! I have to admit I consider that a plus...I'd seriously hate to have to eat a cigarrette. :)

Yeah, what is the mystery thingy??

Looks good SSIKORA, especally with the lower valance removed;) he,he

Thanks guys...yup...I am getting some lights real soon. They should be shipped already.

Originally posted by SSIKORA was very cold and windy outside yesterday so I was just glad to get it on.


but seriously it looks nice man

is that from westin? if so i've got the same one with k.c lites. the westins are built pretty heavy duty, i've had cops looking at it and smiling

ssikora, i see your from eastpoint, did you get it from mumbly's

Nope...though Mumblys is just down the road. I got it used, chemical stripped down to bare metal(free), and powdercoated(free).

I was told it is a grizzly grill Guard.

good deal! looks pretty heavy

Here are a couple updated pics with the PIAA's installed.


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Looks sweet brutha!
