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Plane Crash World Trade Center

God help us

another little tid-bit

Taken from BBC News

More than 150,000 people visit the city's tallest building every day and about 40,000 people work there.

It is the world's largest commercial complex, housing about 500 international companies, other businesses, government agencies and international trade organisations. It is currently fully occupied.

"I send my condolences, the condolences of the Palestinian people to American President (George W) Bush and his government and to the American people for this terrible act," Mr Arafat said. "We completely condemn this serious operation... We were completely shocked. It's unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable."

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The Twin towers are gone!!!!:(


Pentagon on fire!!!


Bigtig... for the first time I now understand and agree with your sig.

If you can donate blood, do it...

there were news reports of palestinians at refugee camps shooting their guns in the air and celebrating when they saw the disaster. one was quoted as saying "the U.S. and israel are one, this is a result of U.S. policy" has some information for those who can't reach and such.

I say nuke them into a f*cking parking lot!

Now to find if my office is open today or not..

Originally posted by Maranda
If you can donate blood, do it...

Indeed .... donate blood as well as any money you can to the appropriate relief agencies such as Red Cross.

DO IT NOW..............

I don't know if anyone is still keeping up with this but on nbc they just showed palestinans celebrating and throwing candy in the streets because of this. Also what happens if there is a draft? Didn't they outlaw that a while ago?

Originally posted by 4Wheelin
I don't know if anyone is still keeping up with this but on nbc they just showed palestinans celebrating and throwing candy in the streets because of this. Also what happens if there is a draft? Didn't they outlaw that a while ago?

I hate to say it, especially since I'm 18... but in situations such as these, the government would go against whatever law they wrote years ago. I'm not saying they will make a manditory draft, but I think it could happen. I can only pray it doesn't.

no it isnt outlawed.....

any able bodied male over 18 can be drafted....

Originally posted by leenjen
no it isnt outlawed.....

any able bodied male over 18 can be drafted....

I thought a "manditory draft" was outlawed. I know the draft is still open bc I signed up for it as soon as I turned 18. But to honest with you, I don't know.

You pray it doesn't happen? You live in this Country and take full benefit of it but when we get attacked and thousands of innocent lives are taken you pray you don't have to go and serve it?

What a coward!

the draft was outlawed...they government invented a new draft called selective service... i am 19 and ready should i get a call....

like I said, if they go to war, I'll be one of the first people standing in line to go.

is there any substantial to confirmation of war has been declared on the us? i heard that on 5 radio stations this morning on my way to work....

Originally posted by kubben
You pray it doesn't happen? You live in this Country and take full benefit of it but when we get attacked and thousands of innocent lives are taken you pray you don't have to go and serve it?

What a coward!

I only pray that America as a whole does not have to be forced into a war. If I were asked to join the army/airforce/ whatever, I would.

Kubben... put your $$ where your mouth is...Let me ask you this; Are you going to quit your job tonight and sign up for the Army in the morning so that you can seek revenge by killing thousands of INNOCENT pallistinians in war? No, and neither am I. I have a bright future in front of me and I would be upset if Iwas FORCED to go to war, BUT I WOULD!

If I am drafted I will serve my country with pride without question.

Originally posted by kubben
If I am drafted I will serve my country with pride without question.

If I was drafted, I would too. But if I had the choice, I would rather keep my job at the largest Powertrain Manufacturing Building in America. Just a side note... this building was built and designed to build Army Equipment.

And I too encourage all who are willing to have blood taken from them.

God bless from Canada

It is horrible, what is this world comming to? I just hope that you and the rest of the world dont get into a war, but I do agree that the fu@#$ mad people who did it must pay.

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Well here in Hartford CT they are closing down a lot of the buildings here and mine is staying open...Just a few building down maybe 3 I believe there already has been a damn bomb threat..People here where i work are leaving and are very nervous...
