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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2006
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Kaukauna, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Mountaineer
Think I asked to many questions for my first post, so I'll divide them up over a period of time.

What is your favorite plug? I like NGK. I've tried both the V-Power and now the new iridiums. Had very good experience on 3 seperate vehicles now.

Has anyone tried indexing? I did it on my '93 Ex and gained an avg of 1.5 mpg.

And how about wires. I assume mine are original w/ 69000 on them. Probably should replace. What's yor choice?

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What's indexing?

Indexing is worth no power on a street car. Don't sweat it.


Follow the links for a good explanation of indexing. It worked well for me on my 93 EX and for about $15.00 you're not really throwing money away. Even if you only gain 2%, you'll get that money back.
