Polyurethane Sway Bar bushings. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Polyurethane Sway Bar bushings.


Well-Known Member
February 22, 2007
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City, State
Portage Lakes, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Ford Explorer Sport
Well....just got my new sway bar bushings the other day. Hopefully in the next few days I'll get them installed. Couldn't find polyurethane bushings from Energy Suspension but did find that Prothane offered them. Picked them up from Summit Racing (lucky me...Summit is 15 mins from my house) for a pretty good price.....roughly $25 for bushings for front and rear sway bars. This should take care of the creaking in the front and hopefully help with the handling some also.

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BTW...if anyone else wants to order then for 3rd gen Explorers lemme know and I'll get ya the part numbers.

BTW...if anyone else wants to order then for 3rd gen Explorers lemme know and I'll get ya the part numbers.

Why not post them up so people don't have to ask. Handy when people are searching months from now.


Also, you'll like them a lot. virtually no noise in comparison to the other options and the suspension will feel tighter.


Good point.....LOL. Part #'s are 6-1159 and 6-1160


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Thanks. :salute:

If the creaking changes to squeaking, just grease them up.

So far I'm believing these things just won't squeak, my vehicle is around tons of dirt, dust, water n various other things throughout the year and since getting these things they're doing great, no play, no weird wear, no noises. I did notice there was another part number for the bushings where the sway bar connects to the frame that had zerks on them though (through the brackets). Would have been a nice addition but I didn't get those ones.

i payed over 30$ for the front OEM ones.

Good find.

Haven't done them yet...but the rears do look like they're gonna be a little harder to do.

If I remember right, isnt there different sizes for sway bar bushings depending on your towing class?

Ok...got them installed. Overall not a bad job to do in the driveway with jackstands and air tools. Did run into a few problems. First off, one of the front bar bushing bolts went in crooked and messed up the threads in the hole...nothing a tap and die set couldn't fix. Second...the rears were actually easier to do than I thought they would be. But when doing them every time I used a pry bar to try to get everything to line up the bushing would push the stud out of place. Once I realized that was happening it was very easy. Haven't driven it too much since doing. I'll find out this week...towing my pop-up to Michigan Speedway for tha Nascar race.
