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Power steering fluid leak


Well-Known Member
January 17, 2008
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City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 GMC Yukon 2 Door
Lately the power steering on my 92 Ex has developed a moderate leak. I tried a bottle of Lucas which slowed the leak but didn't fix it. So it looks like I am going to have to repair this leak. Well it looks like the fluid is leaking at the spline right where the pitman arm attaches to the steering box. Is there a seal here that is replaceable or does the whole steering box have to be replaced? Also it should be noted that I have no experience wrenching on power steering systems though I am fairly capable with pretty much everything else on the truck and I have the Haynes manual. Is this a very hard thing to replace, and do you need any special tools? I would like to fix this myself though if it is necessary my dad's friend is a mechanic and I can take it to him. In my Haynes manual as far as I could tell it just discusses removing the steering box so need to know how to replace this seal if it is replaceable. One more thing, the manual keeps referring to the steering gear, by this do they mean the whole steering box assembly or just a part of it? Thanks for your help. I can get a picture tomorrow if necessary.

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nothing compares to the aerostar

I found pep boys had the best pulley puller. You will probably want line wrenches. as I remember those lines like to leak after you reconnect them. As for the seal, dont no.Pumps are fairly cheap. I would look into a saginaw pump. If the pump is not leaking to bad or whining. Would probably not mess with it. Over time those leaks slow down.

As a note. The Pitman arm is the low point of the Steering system. Make sure the leak isn't above that and just working its way down and around to that area.

I rechecked the leak today just to see and I am pretty sure that it is the steering gear that is leaking. I will look into buying line wrenches. So is there a seal on the steering box that can be replaced or does the whole assembly need replacing? If I need to replace the whole assembly is there any place besides the dealer to buy this? I have a feeling it will be very expensive at the dealer.

You absolutely can buy Steering Boxes from auto Parts stores.

You can google steering Boxes and find places that rebuild them.

I am not positive if that Seal drops down the Shaft or not. Sorry

Wrenches... Sometimes called "Refrigerator Wrenches" sometimes "Brake-line wrenches" sometime "Flare Nut Wrenches"

Do you know what they look like so you know what you are looking for?
