power steering pressure hose fittings (anything on the therads or not) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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power steering pressure hose fittings (anything on the therads or not)


Elite Explorer
October 28, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLT v8

I am replacing the power steering hoses on my 2002 XLT 4.6L v8.

The hose that runs from the pump to the rack comes in two pieces,

hose from pump
hose to rack

and there is a threaded coupling between the two pieces. There is also a threaded male fitting where the hose inserts into the pump.

Does anything go on these threads? Do you use Teflon tape, or high heat silicone thread sealant, or anything like that. The end of the hose that inserts into the rack has an o-ring, so that should be fine. On the hose I removed, it doesn't look like there was anything on the fitting where it inserted into the pump. This hose was very old and rusted so it is hard to tell.

I would hate to get it all together, refilled, and bled and then have it leak because I missed something.

Any help would be appreciated.


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There is nothing on the threads on the hoses I bought.

The orange stuff is probably,

Permatex 25210 High Strength Removable Orange ThreadLocker ($12.17)

there is also a dual function product,

Permatex 57535 Seal and Lock Thread Compound ($14.99)

The combination product is listed as having a breakaway torque of 50-100lbf, where the orange has a breakaway torque of 160lbf. The typical medium blue has a breakaway torque of 110lbf. The combination product is substantially less strong than the orange and a bit weaker than the blue.

It seems like the orange would seal the threads well enough on it's own, especially if that is what comes on the OE part.


My only hesitation with orange threadlock is that 160lbf would be a big ask with a little line wrench down in the engine bay if I ever have to get the pressure hose off of the pump again. It's no problem for the coupling between the two hoses, I didn't even know that the hose was two separate pieces until I set everything out for a test fit. I'm sure I will never take it apart again.

Maybe I will try the combo product on the fitting that goes into the pump.


Not gonna believe me but
Bubble gum is the best hydraulic fitting thread sealer

I have plenty of high temperature thread sealant,

Permatex high temperature thread sealant ($10.32)

maybe I will just use that. The spec sheet does list power steering fittings as one of the uses. The break away torque is 40lbf, which is almost as much as the dual use product.

It would be nice to know what came on the OE fittings. The aftermarket manufacturers didn't seem to feel the need to apply anything. I always feel a bit better with something on the threads, even if it's a bit of tape.

I've never tried bubble gum.


Comments like y'alls make people not want to reply with ideas

I have seen this work with my own eyes and yes it lasts just as long as a o ring

Just because you don't understand don't mean it don't work

Next time ill keep my comment to myself

@donalds this Explorer Forum greatly benefits from your ideas, thoughts, and genius.

Comments like y'alls make people not want to reply with ideas

I have seen this work with my own eyes and yes it lasts just as long as a o ring

Just because you don't understand don't mean it don't work

Next time ill keep my comment to myself
A little levity is good for the soul. I don't think anyone meant any harm.
