Power Supply Loss on Boot-up???????? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Supply Loss on Boot-up????????


Explorer Addict
August 29, 2001
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Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT, 02 XLS
I can't figure out what the hell is going on? It began wiht a total loss of power so I replaced Power Supply. Everthing ran good for 1 day then I came back to no power. Turned power supply off and on and it began to reboot only to automatically shut off on the boot screen as if it lost power. Power button does not work, I have to turn off power supply to cut power from motherboard in order to repower and reboot everytime this happens.

So I thought maybe the HD was corrupt or something so I reformat and install Windows on new hardrive and everythign starts to looking good only to have the same thing happen when I go to install Service Pack since of coarse I can not install Symantec without the Service Pack.

What the hell would cause the power supply to turn off automatically?

BTW, I using my PC right now, it seems everthing is good as long as I run off the new HD with fresh W2K install and don't try to intall Service Pack.

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What the HELL. I finally got Service PAck installed.

Now It either locks up or shuts off when I try to install Nortons...... :fire: :fire: :fire:

Anyone think it could be a hardware issue (mobo).....

I think it miught be my new CHEAP A$$ power supply

I'd agree with the cheap p/s or if it's not cheap it's under powered at the least. Not 100%, but that is a very likely place to start. As for the Norton issues I'm not sure, but it could be putting too much load or something.

I used fail-safe, all TEMP related shut-downs were disabled. After immediate reboot, CPU temps were never over 50C anyway, shutoff is at 100C.

I'm 99% sure it's the power supply, especially after doing a little reading at tomshardware.com and finding my power supply online at $15 + buy 5 get 1 free.

What are some good units? Thermaltake?

Check the plug in your house! it may be at fault.

I was thinking the same thing.

Tried returning the power supply, the guy tried blaming everything else, it's the drive, (replaced it), its the cdrom (unplugged), its the mother board because these power supplies are good, at $15 I doubt it. The voltage checks ok, but what about the AMPS, since it only seems to cut-off under load. Even so, ask me what I've done to troubleshoot it.

He did finally exchange it, I'll try it tonight to see if anything changed.

I found an old 235W power supply at work, plugged it up and everything seems fine, even on the original hardrive when it crashed everytime on boot. BTW, the new one was 480W.

Beware the $15 480W power supply! ThermalTake is okay, also look for Antec, OCZ, and CoolerMaster. These are not the best of the best but are very good main stream power supplies. Here is the cream of the crop but you also get what you pay for!
PC Power and Cooling

PC P&C while they are the cream of the crop, they actually don't make any of their supplies. Many of them are made by Seasonic. In the alright category here we go:
OCZ (tend to over rate their supplies)

FSP Corp (Fortran/Sparkle brand powersupplies)

To avoid:
Well Deer, aspire etc.
Here is a list at Hardforums that tells psu companies to avoid.

for some excelent reviews on powersupplies though a bit technical,

Always a safe bet for a good price, Enermax-Antec. They hold their rails pretty good.
BTW: Anything that says "Rosewill" is Newegg's product line. Most of their products are usually "good enough".
