Pulling Engine Need Some Advice | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pulling Engine Need Some Advice


September 28, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
North Hills, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
My truck is a 1997 Ford Explorer XLT 5.0L 2wd EFI.
I need to put in a new oil pump and new bearings.
I need some advice on connecting the chain to pull the engine. I've had the engine out before and I bolted the hoist chain to the block itself. This time I would prefer not to remove the heads because of the expense of the gaskets and new bolts (special twist-to-torque bolts required). Does anyone think it would be ok to bolt the hoist chain to the heads where the bolts for the lower intake manifold would be attached? Hope his makes sense. Or, if anyone knows of a way I can get to the oil pump without removing the engine completely leaving it attached to the transmission, I would appreciate your input.

Thanks for your help.

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My truck is a 1997 Ford Explorer XLT 5.0L 2wd EFI.
I need to put in a new oil pump and new bearings.
I need some advice on connecting the chain to pull the engine. I've had the engine out before and I bolted the hoist chain to the block itself. This time I would prefer not to remove the heads because of the expense of the gaskets and new bolts (special twist-to-torque bolts required). Does anyone think it would be ok to bolt the hoist chain to the heads where the bolts for the lower intake manifold would be attached? Hope his makes sense. Or, if anyone knows of a way I can get to the oil pump without removing the engine completely leaving it attached to the transmission, I would appreciate your input.

Thanks for your help.

Do what i did and bring the chains around your Exhaust manifolds. If you're lucky enough to not have them all rusted out! it worked like a charm. but to balance it out, make sure you put them around all 4 corners of the manifolds. Good luck!

yep either where the exhaust manifolds bolt up or on the intake bolts that go into the heads not into the aluminum.

I put some big fat bolts right into my heads.


I put bolts into the ends of the heads. Thanks for your help.

That should be fine. I'm always amazed that carb'd engines are pulled using a plate attached to the aluminum intake's tiny carb studs. You'd think they would just rip out, but they don't. I usually install some grade 5 or 8 bolts on the heads myself.

If you are only doing the oil pump and it is not AWD...

Drop the oil pan from under the truck and you can get to the oil pump and anything else on the bottom end of the engine...

My truck is a 1997 Ford Explorer XLT 5.0L 2wd EFI.
I need to put in a new oil pump and new bearings.
I need some advice on connecting the chain to pull the engine. I've had the engine out before and I bolted the hoist chain to the block itself. This time I would prefer not to remove the heads because of the expense of the gaskets and new bolts (special twist-to-torque bolts required). Does anyone think it would be ok to bolt the hoist chain to the heads where the bolts for the lower intake manifold would be attached? Hope his makes sense. Or, if anyone knows of a way I can get to the oil pump without removing the engine completely leaving it attached to the transmission, I would appreciate your input.

Thanks for your help.

Drop the oil pan from under the truck and you can get to the oil pump and anything else on the bottom end of the engine...

I don't think the pan can be pulled with the engine in the truck or at least lifted up a bit. I could be wrong though.

Only a V6 view but....

I don't think the pan can be pulled with the engine in the truck or at least lifted up a bit. I could be wrong though.

These pics show the unobstructed view of the bottom end of the new engine and the oil pan I attached after installing the shortblock in my 99 Sport...If the 97 looks anything like that I think it is possible to drop the pan with the engine in place...


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These pics show the unobstructed view of the bottom end of the new engine and the oil pan I attached after installing the shortblock in my 99 Sport...If the 97 looks anything like that I think it is possible to drop the pan with the engine in place...

Hmm maybe it's the V8 I'm thinking of?

I myself have only pulled a few engines, I have that exact same motor in my mustang, that I have had out, I never removed the heads to attach the bolts. I also pulled the motor(4.0) in my ranger and left the trans in place, The best spot to put your rear chain bolt is in the bell housing with a bell housing bolt. as far as the front of the engine, u could probly remove like your alternator and use one its bolts to attach your chain, just take the engine all the way out, I think you will find this to be way faster in the end, you really need an engine stand to put it on to flip it over to work on, so nice, maybe borrow one from a friend, who has one? (a FOUR WHEEL stand, not a three) if you cannot afford one. if you leave your trans in place you just get enough tension on the chain so that it lifts off the mount studs, and back your cherry picker(tractor, whatverer) up to pull eng.forward to clear your input shaft and lift it out, remember to remover your radiator, fan, all that bullshit, this being your second time removing, it gets easier every time, leave your wiring harness attached to the motor, just unlicp the main plugs, rather than removing every connector from the motor.
Can get stands for good price on amazon -
