pulls to the right.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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pulls to the right....


December 8, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
N.B Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Ford Explorer XLT
okay sorry if these questions have all be asked before but im new to these forum things and dont know how to use them. but anywho..

when im driving any speed above 15 it pulls to the right. im not sure what its from since i just got the vehicle yesturday and i noticed it has been in a accident in the front soo i was thinking it could be from that or that the tires might be unbalanced or a wheel bearing might have went bad..

if anyone can help me it would be awesome!!

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So many possibilities and so little to go on.

1st thing I'd probably do would be to check the tire pressure and make sure it's not from one tire being too low.

Then a thorough front end inspection to make sure everything's tight (wheel bearings, ball joints, tie rods, etc.). Make sure the brakes aren't dragging and that the hubs are functioning correctly (if 4wd).

Then an alignment from a reputable shop. Because an alignment should start off with a thorough front end inspection (usually can't align something when parts are loose), you may skip the previous step if you're not up to doing the inspection yourself. Where it's been in an accident, be prepared for some bad news here.

Ive had the same problem. ive brought my truck in for a full front end tune up, and an alingment. the front end seems to go out of whack in about a week after the alignment. is there anything i can do to stop this from happening? would a steering stabalizer help?

is there anything i can do to stop this from happening?
In the 8 years I've had my '92, I've had two alignments done (the second one was because the 1st guy didn't do it right, so it should have only been one). If your front end is going out of whack within a week, somethings either broken, or the alignment shop isn't doing something right. Before I worried about adding a steering stabilizer, I'd make sure everything else is right in the front end.

Ive had the same problem. ive brought my truck in for a full front end tune up, and an alingment. the front end seems to go out of whack in about a week after the alignment. is there anything i can do to stop this from happening? would a steering stabalizer help?

Make sure where ever you're going is actually inspecting all the suspension components BEFORE they do alignment. In fact, if the alignment isn't holding, go back to the shop and demand your money back. The shop I went to for my alignment time after time never inspected it when they told me they were. So I took my case all the way to the regional management, and got back over 300 dollars of alignment refunds over 3 years. This is why you keep up with service records.

But like I said, make sure they're inspecting everything before they start the alignment, because if something is loose it won't hold. Most likely it's a balljoint, that's what mine was, and the same thing would happen time after time.

Good Luck.

Could be a ball joint or even the radius arm bushing on the Pass side. Those tend to go faster since they get dried out from the heat of the cat being right there.

Could be a ball joint or even the radius arm bushing on the Pass side. Those tend to go faster since they get dried out from the heat of the cat being right there.

thanks for all the help guys, ill try what youve recommended. ive been thinking that my RAB is out of whack. the part that actually hits the metal isnt fully touching it, so i might need a new one.im bringing it to the shop next week to see what the cost is gonna be for them to go through the full front end. Ill get back to you on what the prognosis is.
